Monday, November 02, 2009

Thank you Jesus!

They say a picture speaks a thousand words.
End of ESSEY!!

Friday, August 07, 2009


I was just there chilling and God dropped a revealation;

What does this story communicate?

LUKE 10:38 - 42

Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

In this story Jesus talks directly to the BACHELOR and the SPINSTER that wanna get married just like myself.

Here is how: Martha was concerned about the preparation of the feast or the wedding in this case. Mary on the other hand was focusing on the marriage. She sat at the feet of the BRIDEGROOM (CHRIST) !

Remember Jesus says to Martha, MARY has chosen the BETTER PART or the one that is NEEDFUL.

Now isn't that revelation!!

Thursday, May 07, 2009


After the passing of a friend in a freak accident involving a train, I am left thinking..Do we value life as a society?

I am back on the traffic issues in Uganda.

I one time told a friend... you can tell the organization of a country's leadership by looking at the traffic flow in the land. It so difficult for our government to sit with planners and curve out a traffic flow system that best serves Ugandans. I am thinking about getting a few planners and we do this thing... God give me the grace, AMEN!

I think the government/leadership of this country needs to wake up and smell the coffee. The roads are not well maintained, the surfaces and that means there are no road markings. The signage on roads is non existent and the traffic cops some how think every one should know...I lost a friend at a railway crossing because there were no barriers. The leadership says (its an offense to be hit by a train!)

I had a mechanic who took 400,000 shillings and did absolutely nothing, I had to leave the car on the dark streets of Kampala twice.
I believe these guys are responsible for some of the road carnage in Uganda.

Always takes the blame for his failings and the shortcomings of the mechanic and the leadership.
I think this is the reason our "TOP" leadership don't want to get behind the wheel. I remember H.E. Museveni had to pay dearly for a chicken he knocked on the day we are aware he got behind the wheel. Let me ask WHO was in the wrong the PRESIDENT or the CHICKEN?

Esther Tumukunde - R.I.P

chew on this people!

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Guys I read something on HOPE that made me think... Oh YEAH!!

H - Holding
O - On,
P - Praying
E - Expectantly

Thats it guys!!


Monday, March 16, 2009



After listening to the sermon on Sunday that actually left me feeling squeaky clean in Christ JESUS... I have no sin!!!

I can say that telling from the story of the PRODIGAL SON.. Christians have decided to accept that they were the son that went away and when he (REPENTED) had a change of heart, he decided to return as a SERVANT and not a SON.

GOD has restored us to SON-SHIP and yet we keep screaming out that we just wanna be SERVANTS.

CAN any parent out there tell me how Irritating that is?

I remember i had a pair of old sneakers that I loved so much and what I never understood was why my mother always threw a feat because i did not wear the expensive shoes that had bought me on one of her business trips overseas....


Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I have noticed that the ENTRANCE to the new NAKUMAT shopping mall next to GARDEN CITY has been placed in the round-about.

IMAGINE the JAM between 5:30pm and 7:00 pm

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Friends, This morning i got up just before five, thanks to the mosquitoes that thought I have the tastiest blood ever.

Well, I believe that God wants us to fellowship with him every minute of our lives... he really LOVES US that much!

I have been trying to make more meaning of my life and what that higher calling God has called me to is.... The service i am called to that is bigger than the sum of all my individual ambitions.

Then this SCRIPTURE came to me:


So what do I do to get all these things added to me?

1. SEEK - Means to Pursuit, Learn, Understand, Explore, study.

2. FIRST - Before any thing else.

3. KINGDOM of GOD - Area of influence of the KING (in this case GOD)or be under the dominion of GOD.

The first 3 things mean that you and I should look for God's dominion in our lives before anything else and our search should be a pursuit, hunt, exploration, study... something that we HUNGER for
(Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for theirs is the KINGDOM of GOD)

4. RIGHTEOUSNESS - Being in right standing with God, following the kingdom principles and protocol.

5. ALL THESE THINGS - The things that we always struggle for, Food, shelter, clothing, love, car, etc!!!!!!!

I wanna get ALL these things!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I bless God for you friends and congratulate you upon making it to this side of 2008.

2009 started in a special way for me... I was in the car park of KPC jumping like a crazy monkey, thanks to the worship that made me feel like i was in heaven. With me was a special person... the girl i call my girlfriend.

I carried a note book and a pen with me and during the worship, wrote down what was on my heart. THIS IS WHAT I WROTE:
2009: the year of GROWTH in the 9th Dimension.
I have been struggling with the 8 areas of my life that we all deem vital, But a word from God came in and said this is the year of growth in the 9th dimension.

What do I mean? I have all along had PROJECTIONS and bench marks on where i would want to be in; 1.FINANCE, 2.FAMILY, 3.FAITH, 4.FIRM, 5.FRIENDS, 6.FITNESS, 7.ROMANCE, 8.INTELLECTUAL.


On the 6th of Jan, I set off for camp in Kabanyoro-Gayaza at 8:00pm because the office could not release me earlier. I was the last guy in and had supper on my own. I have learned to be expectant and boy it is powerful when you are expectant.

The camp theme was " I have nothing if I don't have you"

The first preacher dismantled my projections apart and confirmed what God had said to me on the 1st. Growth is in the 9th dimension and that meant that GOD's dynamics were supernatural and off my scale of 8 factors measured on a continuum of 8 points.

Those that wanna know what the rest of the message was... ASK