Monday, September 15, 2008


September to remember.... oh yes!!

Friends, I had prepared sermons and rehearsed the delivery but it all fell flat on its face.
I was in the car really composing myself and asking God for the grace when something dropped in my spirit.
The sermon that you shall preach shall not be about you but about ME.I want to say that Our God is a God of order, however, I was nervous and all over the place.

I had blogged my sermons: The one about temptation.

Anyway some things to note.

1. The blood of Christ was so deep as i opened the scriptures and the saving power that it has. On my spirit was JUST one Soul that I believe i was assigned to... and it did happen. One man gave his life to Christ.

2. It was good to have my dad over in the service especially that he was upcountry and had travelled back late.

3. I also led praise with my father, with him on the vocals and myself on the guitar.

I have decided to actually start preaching sermons and recording them for myself to teach myself.

Overall how did i do? (Sheepishly smiling)... preaching with the keyboard is different to talking to 500 blinking eyes!!!



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