Hear my cry O-Lord, Attend unto my earnest prayer! Rescue me LORD Jesus
A prayer of David.
1 Hear, O LORD, my righteous plea;
listen to my cry.
Give ear to my prayer—
it does not rise from deceitful lips.
2 May my vindication come from you;
may your eyes see what is right.
3 Though you probe my heart and examine me at night,
though you test me, you will find nothing;
I have resolved that my mouth will not sin.
4 As for the deeds of men—
by the word of your lips
I have kept myself
from the ways of the violent.
5 My steps have held to your paths;
my feet have not slipped.
6 I call on you, O God, for you will answer me;
give ear to me and hear my prayer.
7 Show the wonder of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you from their foes.
8 Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings
9 from the wicked who assail me,
from my mortal enemies who surround me.
10 They close up their callous hearts,
and their mouths speak with arrogance.
11 They have tracked me down, they now surround me,
with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground.
12 They are like a lion hungry for prey,
like a great lion crouching in cover.
13 Rise up, O LORD, confront them, bring them down;
rescue me from the wicked by your sword.
14 O LORD, by your hand save me from such men,
from men of this world whose reward is in this life.
You still the hunger of those you cherish;
their sons have plenty,
and they store up wealth for their children.
15 And I—in righteousness I will see your face;
when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Well, well, I attended my lecture on monday but it is still fresh in my head, if i keep up like this i will top the class.
PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL MEDIA: sophisticated stuff, huh! well, this module is intruiging, for instance one of the assignments that i have is to use pictures and minimal text to sell an idea that i do not believe. "Tell a convincing LIE!"
well well, interesting stuff eh... any suggestions from people that think they are creative story manipulators?
PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL MEDIA: sophisticated stuff, huh! well, this module is intruiging, for instance one of the assignments that i have is to use pictures and minimal text to sell an idea that i do not believe. "Tell a convincing LIE!"
well well, interesting stuff eh... any suggestions from people that think they are creative story manipulators?
Friday, September 22, 2006
Vision & Delusion
Who is taking the PEACE ?
Does the world need a bit of both?
I have been taught in school that for a body to remain in a state of rest or uniform motion there has to be equal and opposite forces and will only be compelled otherwise by an external force.
I am reading a book by steven Johnson; Mind Wide Open: Why you are what you think. It is amazing but what we call intuition or gut feeling is real and decisions that are made on this feeing are free from reasoning and intellectual bias. These are decisions that come from the core of who you are… thanks to the “amygdala” a bulb like part of the brain. That explains why a good idea is represented by a glowing bulb in many illustrations.
“Sometimes the chance for peace is a readiness for war” these are the words of Tony Blair before the war in Iraq. We break the PEACE to make the PEACE? uhmm...
Nelson Mandela: Treated as a criminal for the vision of a country that is less-known than its ex-president. He kept the peace and as a true leader he won the hearts and minds of the world. Used as a peace broker when Mbeki suggested that AIDS in Africa be treated as an African issue. Well, I am slowly buying into the idea that AIDS is foreign policy by a wicked government to keep Africa on its Knees. If it was a global issue AT LEAST the price of condoms as a method of prevention in would be somewhat in the same range. Imagine £7 in the UK and 32p in Uganda.Thats not a global price for a global "problem solver"? OK, why so much opposition to abstinence fronted by the church? .... That’s an issue for another day.
Yoweri Museveni: Strongly convicted that democracy had failed, he led 27 friends to the virgin bushes of Uganda and rebelled with arms against the government of the day. He has been in power for 20 years and encourages his political opponents to use the courts of law, well, they are not as passionate as him and I applaud them for keeping the peace and working to win the hearts and minds of the people. Make no mistake, NRM has had great success, and a number of faults, it depends on whether you are a pessimist or an opportunist.
Does the world need a bit of both?
I have been taught in school that for a body to remain in a state of rest or uniform motion there has to be equal and opposite forces and will only be compelled otherwise by an external force.
I am reading a book by steven Johnson; Mind Wide Open: Why you are what you think. It is amazing but what we call intuition or gut feeling is real and decisions that are made on this feeing are free from reasoning and intellectual bias. These are decisions that come from the core of who you are… thanks to the “amygdala” a bulb like part of the brain. That explains why a good idea is represented by a glowing bulb in many illustrations.
“Sometimes the chance for peace is a readiness for war” these are the words of Tony Blair before the war in Iraq. We break the PEACE to make the PEACE? uhmm...

I was watching news and a thought came, some of the “British terrorists” were welcomed after Idi Amin couldn’t hold them. I don’t know how it feels when a minister born in the land is heckled and shouted down by an adopted son of the land who asks him a question like “ How dare you come to a Muslim area?” I cannot stomach an Asian in Uganda putting that question to me…. “ How dare I come to n asian area in Uganda?”
TOLORANCE begins where AGREEMENT ends.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I once sat with an interesting fellow who was bent on telling me where i hailed from.
"You, M'nyarwanda!" he exclaimed, Where are you from?
By this time my dental formular was flashing at him as his "anger" exploded.... how it started is a long story.
Well, he later established that i was a MUKIGA and this is what he said, " MUKIGA, huh?"
You are a munyakigezi? You are all sons of MASAABA, who fled circumcision and run to the hills of "Kigezi" which you related to well having been in the Hills of Bugisu.You claimed to be the "cleaver ones" the "Bagezi"
As a man thinks in his heart SO HE IS... Thats what the bakiga thought.
"You, M'nyarwanda!" he exclaimed, Where are you from?
By this time my dental formular was flashing at him as his "anger" exploded.... how it started is a long story.
Well, he later established that i was a MUKIGA and this is what he said, " MUKIGA, huh?"
You are a munyakigezi? You are all sons of MASAABA, who fled circumcision and run to the hills of "Kigezi" which you related to well having been in the Hills of Bugisu.You claimed to be the "cleaver ones" the "Bagezi"
As a man thinks in his heart SO HE IS... Thats what the bakiga thought.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday 17th was special,
I got the news on the 10th and for a week my mind never rested.
Every so many minutes i thought about what i was going to say, It occured to me that i was worried i would make a mistake. Those that know me think I am a JOKER!! Yes, I did plan on making the congregation smile... but what if my joke was taken out of context. After thinking about all this stuff i got am Idea.... PRAY, and PRAY for WISDOM!!
Well, I did start to pray and WISDOM is spelled as S-O-L-O-M-O-N!
So i went into the word and 2Chronicles did teach me lots.
Lesson one: Seek wisdom to minister to others
Lesson two: Wisdom requires knowledge. (in fact its the application of Knowledge)
Yeah, Cell was phenomenal, then sunday was finally came.
I had not done this in a looooooong time, I woke up at 4am and all i felt was the spirit reminding me was pray... a sister shared in cell about leaving the place of confort and seeking God in the wilderness, I thought it was deep... I left my room and walked downstares as far way from my bed as i could. Then I asked for wisdom, guidance, power and above all the righteousness of GOD, Let YOUR FACE SHINE ON ME, I called on HIM.
I went in on sunday, "running late, sweating....." and yeah, asked GOD to do HIS THING.
It was like magic. The pulpit is a hot place to stand. ALl the sins that you need to repent come flooding back and when you yielf to the spirit life CHANGES right there!!
THANKS to my PEOPLE for letting me experience this.
I got the news on the 10th and for a week my mind never rested.
Every so many minutes i thought about what i was going to say, It occured to me that i was worried i would make a mistake. Those that know me think I am a JOKER!! Yes, I did plan on making the congregation smile... but what if my joke was taken out of context. After thinking about all this stuff i got am Idea.... PRAY, and PRAY for WISDOM!!
Well, I did start to pray and WISDOM is spelled as S-O-L-O-M-O-N!
So i went into the word and 2Chronicles did teach me lots.
Lesson one: Seek wisdom to minister to others
Lesson two: Wisdom requires knowledge. (in fact its the application of Knowledge)
Yeah, Cell was phenomenal, then sunday was finally came.
I had not done this in a looooooong time, I woke up at 4am and all i felt was the spirit reminding me was pray... a sister shared in cell about leaving the place of confort and seeking God in the wilderness, I thought it was deep... I left my room and walked downstares as far way from my bed as i could. Then I asked for wisdom, guidance, power and above all the righteousness of GOD, Let YOUR FACE SHINE ON ME, I called on HIM.
I went in on sunday, "running late, sweating....." and yeah, asked GOD to do HIS THING.
It was like magic. The pulpit is a hot place to stand. ALl the sins that you need to repent come flooding back and when you yielf to the spirit life CHANGES right there!!
THANKS to my PEOPLE for letting me experience this.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Been Missing in Action:
Dear friends,
I have been indeed missing in action.
I am preparing for my last semister at university and... what can i say?
I am quite excited, i have had a number of breakthroughs and that great.
I was challenged this week by the Holy-Spirit who asked me, if i was ready.
It is I took stock and discovered i needed to dethrone a number of things in my life and the biggest being self.
I works so hard and the dreams and visions i get are dreams of dominace, getting me a big fat corporation and these have in a way blinded me to the fact that irrespective i need to get me a big fat SPIRIT of GOD insurance.
My prayer life need to change and focus on others' too... HOW MIOPIC YOU MUST think, Yeah, My prayers all start in "I" most of the time and end in "Please Lord".
I gotta style up.... As i move out this morning my prayer is LET IT BE AS YOU WILL LORD, let me have the HOLY SPIRIT Guide me, for if it is as i will Lord I will not drink of the CUP, and take the PLACE you prepared for me.
People, I feel like having CHURCH NOW!!
I have been indeed missing in action.
I am preparing for my last semister at university and... what can i say?
I am quite excited, i have had a number of breakthroughs and that great.
I was challenged this week by the Holy-Spirit who asked me, if i was ready.
It is I took stock and discovered i needed to dethrone a number of things in my life and the biggest being self.
I works so hard and the dreams and visions i get are dreams of dominace, getting me a big fat corporation and these have in a way blinded me to the fact that irrespective i need to get me a big fat SPIRIT of GOD insurance.
My prayer life need to change and focus on others' too... HOW MIOPIC YOU MUST think, Yeah, My prayers all start in "I" most of the time and end in "Please Lord".
I gotta style up.... As i move out this morning my prayer is LET IT BE AS YOU WILL LORD, let me have the HOLY SPIRIT Guide me, for if it is as i will Lord I will not drink of the CUP, and take the PLACE you prepared for me.
People, I feel like having CHURCH NOW!!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Dear Son,
I am writing this letter just to try and tell you how I feel about you.
Using simple words that may not make sense at this hour, even to me the writer.
Please understand that these are ordinary words that cannot express an extraordinary love.
I have visited at the highs of this life and seen the lows it can give… but in all things I give thanks.
Son, when you are born in a family that fears God and reveres his might and power, you have the basic wisdom this fear brings. I believe you already posses that wisdom because of my fear for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
I can confidently say you have a father that is a blessing and you will not be on the receiving end long. You will be a giver because the economy of God is measured on how much you give. This helps to create room for the blessings that God GIVES, Son I give you all my love because all I have is God’s love.
I have learned that a brown cow with black patches eats green grass and gives off white milk that makes yellow butter, the explanation science will give is that a molecule is bigger than an atom all I say is GOD is AWESOME.
How easy it is to take a father for granted because you never choose him. Son, God chose you not me. I am just a vessel to bring you forth to a generation that would not be the same without you. Unique in your way, not even your mother could give you her blood but just like me was a vessel, used of God to nourish you as He prepared you for that position he created before I even met your mother.
I have sought an education to make my life on earth fruitful. Only edible fruits are worth toiling for, what good is an education that does not change the world for the better; An education should offer more than information;life skills make education meaningful.
The summer is quickly fading and the days are getting shorter and colder as we draw to the season of winter. Having spent the summer reaping what was sown in the previous winter, we gather what is left and stock up for the winter ahead, the season when most of the sowing is done.
On the cold morning I wake up feeling really low and the thought of a little more slumber crosses my mind, the thought of you and the things that I want you to give me that spark and rave my engines and face another day, for this I thank you.
I received good news from you Uncle in Kigali, just like I said, he GAVE and that's a debt to me... the more reason i need to work harder and give back in good measure pressed down shaken together and flowing over. This generosity only showed me that I am surrounded by the right influence to raise you right!
This weekend I was out making friends believing that you will reap from the friendships that i make because they are for generations to come. I also believe that it is nice to have friends that have not been made for you. I loved the fact that I stand as myself and not my fathers' son. I believe this is one of the reasons why God brought me to England, to find my identity as an individual.
Son, I hope this letter gives you the courage to understand why certain this should be done. When the time of correction comes, I will have to do it because of the Love I have, the love that longs to see you walk in the path that leads to life.
My father confessed to me once that his father was a better father than he is and my prayer since has been to be as good a father as my grand-father. May you be a better son than the son I have been to my father.
I am writing this letter just to try and tell you how I feel about you.
Using simple words that may not make sense at this hour, even to me the writer.
Please understand that these are ordinary words that cannot express an extraordinary love.
I have visited at the highs of this life and seen the lows it can give… but in all things I give thanks.
Son, when you are born in a family that fears God and reveres his might and power, you have the basic wisdom this fear brings. I believe you already posses that wisdom because of my fear for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
I can confidently say you have a father that is a blessing and you will not be on the receiving end long. You will be a giver because the economy of God is measured on how much you give. This helps to create room for the blessings that God GIVES, Son I give you all my love because all I have is God’s love.
I have learned that a brown cow with black patches eats green grass and gives off white milk that makes yellow butter, the explanation science will give is that a molecule is bigger than an atom all I say is GOD is AWESOME.
How easy it is to take a father for granted because you never choose him. Son, God chose you not me. I am just a vessel to bring you forth to a generation that would not be the same without you. Unique in your way, not even your mother could give you her blood but just like me was a vessel, used of God to nourish you as He prepared you for that position he created before I even met your mother.
I have sought an education to make my life on earth fruitful. Only edible fruits are worth toiling for, what good is an education that does not change the world for the better; An education should offer more than information;life skills make education meaningful.
The summer is quickly fading and the days are getting shorter and colder as we draw to the season of winter. Having spent the summer reaping what was sown in the previous winter, we gather what is left and stock up for the winter ahead, the season when most of the sowing is done.
On the cold morning I wake up feeling really low and the thought of a little more slumber crosses my mind, the thought of you and the things that I want you to give me that spark and rave my engines and face another day, for this I thank you.
I received good news from you Uncle in Kigali, just like I said, he GAVE and that's a debt to me... the more reason i need to work harder and give back in good measure pressed down shaken together and flowing over. This generosity only showed me that I am surrounded by the right influence to raise you right!
This weekend I was out making friends believing that you will reap from the friendships that i make because they are for generations to come. I also believe that it is nice to have friends that have not been made for you. I loved the fact that I stand as myself and not my fathers' son. I believe this is one of the reasons why God brought me to England, to find my identity as an individual.
Son, I hope this letter gives you the courage to understand why certain this should be done. When the time of correction comes, I will have to do it because of the Love I have, the love that longs to see you walk in the path that leads to life.
My father confessed to me once that his father was a better father than he is and my prayer since has been to be as good a father as my grand-father. May you be a better son than the son I have been to my father.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Businesses have been built and others have been brought down at relatively the same rate.
Its amazing to know but for every 5 businesses started 3 go under in the month of operation. When you look round and see all these businesses, MULTIPLY by 3 to know how many were started on the same day the one you are looking at was launched.
Well, every Business is an IDEA, and we all get ideas dont we? Imagine you acted on every Idea that flashed you mind? how many businesses would you have?
Dr. Myles Munroe put it this way, the wealthiest places in the world are the grave yards, they have all the ideas that were not executed, the un-sung song, the un published book, the invention that was to make air travel a joke!!!! and so many other things.
I first heard of this word from my father in 2001, I thought retirement was making him creative... DAD, i was wrong!
Today i did a job for a company in Uganda inside my Bachelor pad in London, as I listend to my favourate CD and sipped away at the finest apple juice not worried about a power cut.
I officially became the second mukiga-TELECOMMUTING-CYBER WORKER!!
People, I often reflect on my days as boy going to school bare foot and how with in two and a half decades i have seen both sides of the wealth scale the heart of development and its impact on humans. I am humbled.
QUESTION: what does it profit a man to have the world and yet lose his SOUL?
LORD, I worship you.
Its amazing to know but for every 5 businesses started 3 go under in the month of operation. When you look round and see all these businesses, MULTIPLY by 3 to know how many were started on the same day the one you are looking at was launched.
Well, every Business is an IDEA, and we all get ideas dont we? Imagine you acted on every Idea that flashed you mind? how many businesses would you have?
Dr. Myles Munroe put it this way, the wealthiest places in the world are the grave yards, they have all the ideas that were not executed, the un-sung song, the un published book, the invention that was to make air travel a joke!!!! and so many other things.
I first heard of this word from my father in 2001, I thought retirement was making him creative... DAD, i was wrong!
Today i did a job for a company in Uganda inside my Bachelor pad in London, as I listend to my favourate CD and sipped away at the finest apple juice not worried about a power cut.
I officially became the second mukiga-TELECOMMUTING-CYBER WORKER!!
People, I often reflect on my days as boy going to school bare foot and how with in two and a half decades i have seen both sides of the wealth scale the heart of development and its impact on humans. I am humbled.
QUESTION: what does it profit a man to have the world and yet lose his SOUL?
LORD, I worship you.
Monday, August 07, 2006
I stayed home all day just to take stock
It was brilliant and thanks to communication i was in touch with the world right from my bachelor pad, i sent my CV globally and generated concepts for people i met on line and there is a venture looming... in faith i have already budgeted for the money.
I have also realised that if your business is not about PEOPLE its not BUSINESS, every thing is about every one if it is to prosper.... Man doesnt thrive in isolation, its not a stop in life.
POST findings of stock take later
It was brilliant and thanks to communication i was in touch with the world right from my bachelor pad, i sent my CV globally and generated concepts for people i met on line and there is a venture looming... in faith i have already budgeted for the money.
I have also realised that if your business is not about PEOPLE its not BUSINESS, every thing is about every one if it is to prosper.... Man doesnt thrive in isolation, its not a stop in life.
POST findings of stock take later
Friday, August 04, 2006
I am a MAN .
I am 5.9' TALL
I am 85 Kgs HEAVY
I am 5th of 6 in my FAMILY
I am on a MISSION from HEAVEN
I am on a JOURNEY through EARTH
I am more than a CONQUORER
I am BLESSED with the blessings of Abraham
I am the HEAD not the TAIL
I am a MAN .
I am 5.9' TALL
I am 85 Kgs HEAVY
I am 5th of 6 in my FAMILY
I am on a MISSION from HEAVEN
I am on a JOURNEY through EARTH
I am more than a CONQUORER
I am BLESSED with the blessings of Abraham
I am the HEAD not the TAIL
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Sorry people... I know u popped by and there wasnt anything new.
Well, I am a busy man as you must know.
I have decided to go home and "cause" change sooner rather than later.
I have had conversations and been on the finger pointiong end too long and that makes me a follower and not the leader that i am.
I was inspired by Myles Munroe who implied that ... justification is not by verbal vindication but by a justifying lifestyle.(my own words). well he was saying that a person justifying his reasons for not going to church by claiming its a group of hypocrites would best put the message across if he went and lived the example he expected to see from the church!!! (u get?)
Anyway, I have also discovered that you can be a generous but not a giver!!!.
I say this because i think i have received from both people with the 2 traits mutually exclusive. Believe me you dont want a generous person giving you all the time... they are crippling!!, better you get from a giver.
GOD is a generous giver... can you imagine a generous GOD that's not a giver?
or a Giver thats not generous?.... Deep aint it?
Well, I have decided to gravitate towards my brother Baron (tmbaron.org) and spread myself thin.
I wanna work with and not for the GOVERNMENT, work in the Private sector, civil society and above all the KINGDOM.
People hope thats a bit of it now.... Look at this link:
Well, I am a busy man as you must know.
I have decided to go home and "cause" change sooner rather than later.
I have had conversations and been on the finger pointiong end too long and that makes me a follower and not the leader that i am.
I was inspired by Myles Munroe who implied that ... justification is not by verbal vindication but by a justifying lifestyle.(my own words). well he was saying that a person justifying his reasons for not going to church by claiming its a group of hypocrites would best put the message across if he went and lived the example he expected to see from the church!!! (u get?)

I say this because i think i have received from both people with the 2 traits mutually exclusive. Believe me you dont want a generous person giving you all the time... they are crippling!!, better you get from a giver.
GOD is a generous giver... can you imagine a generous GOD that's not a giver?
or a Giver thats not generous?.... Deep aint it?
Well, I have decided to gravitate towards my brother Baron (tmbaron.org) and spread myself thin.
I wanna work with and not for the GOVERNMENT, work in the Private sector, civil society and above all the KINGDOM.
People hope thats a bit of it now.... Look at this link:
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hello Citizens,
Last night i was at work and i received a txt from a friend that was eye opening;
' pray for the spirit of God to cover his beloved on the 06-06-06"
Well i set my watch and at 23:59 on the 05-06-06 the alarm went off and waited for the stroke of midnight when my break was due anyway and I burst out in prayer.
I remember someone walking up to me and saying "are you alright?"... being at war and not knowing is like being gliding downhill with your eyes shut!! well, I coverd every one of you in the blood of christ and we are more than VICTORS in Him, arent we?
Dudes and Dudettes, I better go now, People to see, things to do, places to go, GLORY to GIVE.
Over to YOU!!
Ps. Baron, Ur Blog on success is deep, makes me feel like..... "LEAVE IT!!!!"
those who wanna see it- (www.tmbaron.blogspot.com)
Monday, June 05, 2006
Hello people, I have been off the net for a while.
I had a dream last night and it was strange, my sister Viola successfully carried out a heart operation on someone. (still looking for answers to this)
Well, i enjoyed yesterday, Kensington Temple was the place.. after a nice double portion at my home church, with preaching on the end times and later prayer(in pulse), it was a third helping on baptism in the spirit at KT. Penticost like you never saw. ( SEND THE FIRE TODAY!!) the song reminded me of KPC and several others that took me back to the time i first believed as an 18 yeear old in my high school. Good times, happy memories.
I have this mate-o-mine called Baron, he is inspirational in many ways- but he keeps sucking me into political debate and conveniently makes me stand in for the opposition and just like the ruling party he has the statistics and "bwiino" to make me seem like i have been on mars for all my life. Baron, next time i am on the proposing side, deal? Well.i have gotten my self a cow (ente) so i can talk for the GOVERNM-"ENTE" of the MOVEM-"ENTE" (U get me!?)
Ivan, it was nice on sato, Louis has set the example for YOU (second person Plural)(U get me)
Muzoora! it was nice u hit ma blog recently nice to know you miss me half as much as i miss you.
This is quite too personal to blog, but hey... I think it, i write it and i post it.
More later DUDES and DUDETTES!
I had a dream last night and it was strange, my sister Viola successfully carried out a heart operation on someone. (still looking for answers to this)
Well, i enjoyed yesterday, Kensington Temple was the place.. after a nice double portion at my home church, with preaching on the end times and later prayer(in pulse), it was a third helping on baptism in the spirit at KT. Penticost like you never saw. ( SEND THE FIRE TODAY!!) the song reminded me of KPC and several others that took me back to the time i first believed as an 18 yeear old in my high school. Good times, happy memories.
I have this mate-o-mine called Baron, he is inspirational in many ways- but he keeps sucking me into political debate and conveniently makes me stand in for the opposition and just like the ruling party he has the statistics and "bwiino" to make me seem like i have been on mars for all my life. Baron, next time i am on the proposing side, deal? Well.i have gotten my self a cow (ente) so i can talk for the GOVERNM-"ENTE" of the MOVEM-"ENTE" (U get me!?)
Ivan, it was nice on sato, Louis has set the example for YOU (second person Plural)(U get me)
Muzoora! it was nice u hit ma blog recently nice to know you miss me half as much as i miss you.
This is quite too personal to blog, but hey... I think it, i write it and i post it.
More later DUDES and DUDETTES!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hello Dudes and Dudettes,
I asure you that faith, hope are some good things that God gave us but the greasts is HIMSELF, LOVE... U have have not Love then you have not GOD. Abide in Love and you abide in GOD. Deep stuff...eh!?
What can i say, Just got to the lab at Uni. am writing my critical report of one module, called responsive environments.... its interesting, people, i just made 2 softwares, one is a camera controlled by sound.. U shout TAKE and it does.... another is a play sofware, also a sound based one where you colour increase a pictures' clarity using sound... screem for a clearer picture. I loved it... The posibilities are ENDLESS!!
Well, my class mates are WOW too, one guy made a mixer using light.. as in you can cross fade music using just light... it was so cool...
All in all these things make me think about my days in Nyakitabire when i was hunting and roasting crickets (enjerere)... Shsss, animal rights activists shouldn't hear this... well its HUMBLING!!!
More later Dudes and Dudettes, LOVE you all.
I asure you that faith, hope are some good things that God gave us but the greasts is HIMSELF, LOVE... U have have not Love then you have not GOD. Abide in Love and you abide in GOD. Deep stuff...eh!?
What can i say, Just got to the lab at Uni. am writing my critical report of one module, called responsive environments.... its interesting, people, i just made 2 softwares, one is a camera controlled by sound.. U shout TAKE and it does.... another is a play sofware, also a sound based one where you colour increase a pictures' clarity using sound... screem for a clearer picture. I loved it... The posibilities are ENDLESS!!

All in all these things make me think about my days in Nyakitabire when i was hunting and roasting crickets (enjerere)... Shsss, animal rights activists shouldn't hear this... well its HUMBLING!!!
More later Dudes and Dudettes, LOVE you all.
Monday, May 22, 2006

Well, well... Guys, we spoke at length last night.
I was stressed and to be honest the devil almost stole my joy. But, " I went to the enemy's camp, and I... TOOK BACK WHAT HE STOLE FROME ME!!, I....TOOK BACK WHAT HE STOLE FROM ME!!!..
Well, to be honest, i got to learn that SIMPLE things make a difference. Its amazing what pulling the nets from the right to the left did?
Guys, dont turn the boat round, pull the nets out and cast them to the RIGH!!
Baron, I believe you are deeply gifted in sniffing out " 419's ". I will definately put you on the my advisory committee... when i take office in Uganda as the head of state.
We have seen RWAKITURA and now its time for NYAKITABIRE!!
By the way, thats another sample of what the BASAKURU clan is all about.
Thats my brother BUGA ASASIRA, we were "SHOT frm the SAME GUN" in the words of my father so we definately had lots to share when we were in the "magazine" and share ideas on technology!!
Later Dudes and Dudettes
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Who said I had JOKES?!!

This is to all of you who thought i had JOKES!!
I did open the "HAVE YOU HEARD" and indeed I had not heard.... I just saw.
this made me laugh so hard my ribs complained.
Hmm... To you dad, you are the greatest... MUKIGA , Infact you are the greatest DAD in the entire universe, thats why there is only one of you. I never stop thanking GOD for you.. Mom thanks for making my dad a father. U know how much i love you, thanks for the deep cultural roots and for giving us things that not even death can take away from us... The knwoledge of the LOVE of CHRIST JESUS... I have an assignment to go to but i will return and tell you how much i love you BOTH.

To Julie.. copyrights reserved, Bahati... Well, spotted
To the Bakiga COMMUNITY, you are lucky to have my father for an ELDER and in case you havent noticed he is GROOMING ME...!!!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
What a night!!
Hey guys, I beat U to it, as soon as you dropped me off i was i plugged my laptop in and got cranking..... I have assignments and this wont be as lengthy as i would have loved it to be but.... U get the point.
Ivan...eh!, Baron i wish i could take the wheel of the tour van and relieve you sometimes... thanks for being the presidential chauffeur that you are, take care of the "RUTH"... Oh just to let you know that thats the name of the Mercedes as of today... Faithful and dependable as it has been, U agree dont you... Well, unless you put a _______ in the passenger seat.
Visions are confirmed by sacrifice... you guys are fantastic!!
Well, before i get too excited and write a dossier on tonight... I have to return to my assignments.
Oooh! and the Besigye Vs Museveni conversation was SHALLOW, thanks for the conclusion though, it was DEEP, We need to do something and stop being PUNDITS!!
Gotta go
Ariho .. Aka, A-hero
Ivan...eh!, Baron i wish i could take the wheel of the tour van and relieve you sometimes... thanks for being the presidential chauffeur that you are, take care of the "RUTH"... Oh just to let you know that thats the name of the Mercedes as of today... Faithful and dependable as it has been, U agree dont you... Well, unless you put a _______ in the passenger seat.
Visions are confirmed by sacrifice... you guys are fantastic!!
Well, before i get too excited and write a dossier on tonight... I have to return to my assignments.
Oooh! and the Besigye Vs Museveni conversation was SHALLOW, thanks for the conclusion though, it was DEEP, We need to do something and stop being PUNDITS!!
Gotta go
Ariho .. Aka, A-hero
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