Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Hello Dudes and Dudettes,

I asure you that faith, hope are some good things that God gave us but the greasts is HIMSELF, LOVE... U have have not Love then you have not GOD. Abide in Love and you abide in GOD. Deep!?

What can i say, Just got to the lab at Uni. am writing my critical report of one module, called responsive environments.... its interesting, people, i just made 2 softwares, one is a camera controlled by sound.. U shout TAKE and it does.... another is a play sofware, also a sound based one where you colour increase a pictures' clarity using sound... screem for a clearer picture. I loved it... The posibilities are ENDLESS!!

Well, my class mates are WOW too, one guy made a mixer using light.. as in you can cross fade music using just light... it was so cool...

All in all these things make me think about my days in Nyakitabire when i was hunting and roasting crickets (enjerere)... Shsss, animal rights activists shouldn't hear this... well its HUMBLING!!!

More later Dudes and Dudettes, LOVE you all.

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