Monday, September 18, 2006


Sunday 17th was special,

I got the news on the 10th and for a week my mind never rested.
Every so many minutes i thought about what i was going to say, It occured to me that i was worried i would make a mistake. Those that know me think I am a JOKER!! Yes, I did plan on making the congregation smile... but what if my joke was taken out of context. After thinking about all this stuff i got am Idea.... PRAY, and PRAY for WISDOM!!

Well, I did start to pray and WISDOM is spelled as S-O-L-O-M-O-N!
So i went into the word and 2Chronicles did teach me lots.
Lesson one: Seek wisdom to minister to others
Lesson two: Wisdom requires knowledge. (in fact its the application of Knowledge)

Yeah, Cell was phenomenal, then sunday was finally came.
I had not done this in a looooooong time, I woke up at 4am and all i felt was the spirit reminding me was pray... a sister shared in cell about leaving the place of confort and seeking God in the wilderness, I thought it was deep... I left my room and walked downstares as far way from my bed as i could. Then I asked for wisdom, guidance, power and above all the righteousness of GOD, Let YOUR FACE SHINE ON ME, I called on HIM.

I went in on sunday, "running late, sweating....." and yeah, asked GOD to do HIS THING.
It was like magic. The pulpit is a hot place to stand. ALl the sins that you need to repent come flooding back and when you yielf to the spirit life CHANGES right there!!

THANKS to my PEOPLE for letting me experience this.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proud of you too...