Well, I would like to thank you all for occasionally looking at my blog and reading into my state of mind.During this season it has been so hectic at work I haven't quite blogged as much as i would have loved to.
I believe that GOD is gonna grant me the grace to have divine acceleration in all I do so that I can make time to add knowledge to the pool of its wealth.
I just wanna wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY new year!!!
God bless... Isaiah 66:9-14
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I never expected the month of November to put a spring in my DECEMBER!!!
Thank you JESUS.
I just wanna share some lyrics from the HEART and SOUL album of 1995 by the WINANS
When I first made you my choice, my heart was glad, my soul rejoiced.
NOW, tell me how long has it been, since I let you know exactly how I feel.
I must apologise, time has slipped away and I didn't realise.
Give me JUST HALF a CHANCE, and I'll Show the the WORLD how to LOVE with my heart and soul.
Deep... eehhighh?
Monday, December 01, 2008
A statement to the effect that opportunity is best ceased by the prepared was made by a friend and I could not agree more. Here are the doors of opportunity that lead up to the room that holds our blessing.
The OPEN door:
These doors are wide open and we can clearly see the blessing that is on the other side of the room. One does not need to do much but just walk through these doors.
The SHUT Door:
The blessing on the other side of this door is not accessed by simply walking though and taking it, but a little effort in opening this door is required, the judgement to whether it is a Push or Pull and on which side the hinges revolve. A story is told of a psychologist that switched the positioning of the knob, placing it on the side that is hinged and 7 out of 10 people did not think of pushing the other side of the door to get it and concluded the room was inaccessible.
The CLOSED Door:
This is really self-explanatory; accessing the room that this door leads to is only for those that have a KEY. That is appropriate for opening this door. Some keys are transferable like the normal “YALE/UNION” keys, electronic Swipe cards, PIN Numbers and other keys are biometric and non transferable. Your DNA, eye-ris scan or thumbprint is the only key. For instance the places that the Kabaka Mutebi accesses that not anyone can access is because he possesses the right DNA to have the authority to get those doors opened.
A personal story goes like this, at one of the stations in London, I was embarrassed when I struggled to open a beverage dispenser which unlike the most had a sliding door. After I slotted my money for a drink, it was dispensed and the fight to reach it was short-lived thanks to a Good Samaritan who showed me how it was done. (Asking is not bad after all)
These doors require a level of patience and one has to study their pace and adjust to it otherwise there is a chance of failing to enter or continuously rotating with the door instead of accessing the room that bares your blessing.
This certainly brings your mind to communications house. What you have to show is intent to enter and the door will detect that you are close and open. Imagine standing at Backlines house and declaring that Communications house is inaccessible. Unfortunately that is what happens in most of our lives. We are quick to render situations IMPOSSIBLE.
The ABSENT Door:
This door exists only if you create it. Some of our blessings are contained in Cuboids like rooms without any access and we need to put the HOLE in the wall. This door will require a PEEK AXE, “Nsuluulu” and some spit on both palms and sweat on the brow before access is granted.
The rooms that contain our blessings actually have doors for our good. It is to keep the baddies from our goodies as SOKANYOLYA security systems tell their prospects. If it is financial blessing you are after, please do not despise that job, it is not the blessing it is the DOOR !!!
The OPEN door:
These doors are wide open and we can clearly see the blessing that is on the other side of the room. One does not need to do much but just walk through these doors.
The SHUT Door:
The blessing on the other side of this door is not accessed by simply walking though and taking it, but a little effort in opening this door is required, the judgement to whether it is a Push or Pull and on which side the hinges revolve. A story is told of a psychologist that switched the positioning of the knob, placing it on the side that is hinged and 7 out of 10 people did not think of pushing the other side of the door to get it and concluded the room was inaccessible.
The CLOSED Door:
This is really self-explanatory; accessing the room that this door leads to is only for those that have a KEY. That is appropriate for opening this door. Some keys are transferable like the normal “YALE/UNION” keys, electronic Swipe cards, PIN Numbers and other keys are biometric and non transferable. Your DNA, eye-ris scan or thumbprint is the only key. For instance the places that the Kabaka Mutebi accesses that not anyone can access is because he possesses the right DNA to have the authority to get those doors opened.
A personal story goes like this, at one of the stations in London, I was embarrassed when I struggled to open a beverage dispenser which unlike the most had a sliding door. After I slotted my money for a drink, it was dispensed and the fight to reach it was short-lived thanks to a Good Samaritan who showed me how it was done. (Asking is not bad after all)
These doors require a level of patience and one has to study their pace and adjust to it otherwise there is a chance of failing to enter or continuously rotating with the door instead of accessing the room that bares your blessing.
This certainly brings your mind to communications house. What you have to show is intent to enter and the door will detect that you are close and open. Imagine standing at Backlines house and declaring that Communications house is inaccessible. Unfortunately that is what happens in most of our lives. We are quick to render situations IMPOSSIBLE.
The ABSENT Door:
This door exists only if you create it. Some of our blessings are contained in Cuboids like rooms without any access and we need to put the HOLE in the wall. This door will require a PEEK AXE, “Nsuluulu” and some spit on both palms and sweat on the brow before access is granted.
The rooms that contain our blessings actually have doors for our good. It is to keep the baddies from our goodies as SOKANYOLYA security systems tell their prospects. If it is financial blessing you are after, please do not despise that job, it is not the blessing it is the DOOR !!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My friend, after a week that saw me find something worth more than rubbies, I received a sermon that opened my eyes to another dimension. This is a break down of that sermon that made me stop tithing
1. I owe God nothing, I have no debt because it was all paid at the cross.
2. All that I have belongs to God
3. The tithe is part of the old covenant but we live under the new one.
At this point I see you cringing at my comments and even thinking i need help.
If God owns all you have then i don't think when it comes to giving you will start to compute how much to return to HIM.
Anyway, GOD loves a cheerful giver.
I feel like 100% that's what its gonna be!!
Please don't miss understand me but... if it is more than 10% it is not a tithe... Let him that has a brain think about why I stopped tithing!!
1. I owe God nothing, I have no debt because it was all paid at the cross.
2. All that I have belongs to God
3. The tithe is part of the old covenant but we live under the new one.
At this point I see you cringing at my comments and even thinking i need help.
If God owns all you have then i don't think when it comes to giving you will start to compute how much to return to HIM.
Anyway, GOD loves a cheerful giver.
I feel like 100% that's what its gonna be!!
Please don't miss understand me but... if it is more than 10% it is not a tithe... Let him that has a brain think about why I stopped tithing!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

When Obama borrowed the slogan "Yes, We Can" translated from latin (Si Se Puede) used in 1972 by the United Farm Workers under Cesar Chavez. It was more than words.... It was an attitude that dispelled UNILATERALISM and embraced team work, unity and a sense of SHARED vision.
GUYS.... i know some of you are going.... WAAAAAA!!!
Remember that through CHRIST JESUS... Si Se Puede!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
God does not want you to be poor. God wants you and I to be STINKING RICH!!
I have a lot to say about this but remember that even the first guy that we see God bragging about was JOB. The geezer was surely-blessed!!
I just lost my article... you know... I have so much to say, the structure just eluded me
Gimme a sec.
God does not want you to be poor. God wants you and I to be STINKING RICH!!
I have a lot to say about this but remember that even the first guy that we see God bragging about was JOB. The geezer was surely-blessed!!
I just lost my article... you know... I have so much to say, the structure just eluded me
Gimme a sec.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I drove in my "new" car this morning and parked at the spot i deemed fit for my car... remember, this was early in the morning and I had the chance to look at options.
So... I walked towards office but noticed a group of ladies and gents enter a hall that seemed like it was ready for a 7 O'clock show.
I decided to go in and probe and found it was a service by this time i could here worship music.
Well.. Went in and had a time of prayer.. then the word dropped.
That is where the WISE MEN came from,
JOB was a man of the east
The sun rises from the east
If some one is planning a trip, think first!!
2 Kings 13:14 - 21
So... I walked towards office but noticed a group of ladies and gents enter a hall that seemed like it was ready for a 7 O'clock show.
I decided to go in and probe and found it was a service by this time i could here worship music.
Well.. Went in and had a time of prayer.. then the word dropped.
That is where the WISE MEN came from,
JOB was a man of the east
The sun rises from the east
If some one is planning a trip, think first!!
2 Kings 13:14 - 21
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My friends,
This morning i got up thinking... how am i doing on my targets for this year.
It is exactly 7months since i left the United Kingdom to return home and set up a base and the word base in this case is as broad as you like.
after all the hustle and the ups and downs the past 7 months have brought... I looked at my vision board and felt like i had not done much. But as I continued to meditate on the goodness of our father it all came to light.
How much of the KINGDOM have i sought the past 7 months.... and His righteousness.
Well, the answer my friends gave me an insight of how much indeed.
I throw this back to you. How much do you think you could have done that hasn't been done yet? That is the deficit you have as a kingdom seeker.
I hope to share with you on the coming wealth transfer and how we must position our selves to be millionaires for GOD.
This morning i got up thinking... how am i doing on my targets for this year.
It is exactly 7months since i left the United Kingdom to return home and set up a base and the word base in this case is as broad as you like.
after all the hustle and the ups and downs the past 7 months have brought... I looked at my vision board and felt like i had not done much. But as I continued to meditate on the goodness of our father it all came to light.
How much of the KINGDOM have i sought the past 7 months.... and His righteousness.
Well, the answer my friends gave me an insight of how much indeed.
I throw this back to you. How much do you think you could have done that hasn't been done yet? That is the deficit you have as a kingdom seeker.
I hope to share with you on the coming wealth transfer and how we must position our selves to be millionaires for GOD.
It has been a while since i dropped my thoughts on this blog.
I have some confessions to make:
I hit a spiritual law and needed to get ma GROOVE back.... what caused it?
a mix of not reading enough of the word and too much work.
HOWEVER... I am here to say, God is great and wants us to be that, just US.
Liberated and redeemed from the cares of this world.
I'll hit you with some thoughts when i return tomorrow!!
It has been a while since i dropped my thoughts on this blog.
I have some confessions to make:
I hit a spiritual law and needed to get ma GROOVE back.... what caused it?
a mix of not reading enough of the word and too much work.
HOWEVER... I am here to say, God is great and wants us to be that, just US.
Liberated and redeemed from the cares of this world.
I'll hit you with some thoughts when i return tomorrow!!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I thank you,
Great leaders are born in humble places and their path to their
palace is one that leaves the citizen regarded as the least by many
with HOPE that their voice will be heard by the king.
Must I add that their MOTHERS are women of great FAITH and determination
who beat the odds to get their sons a head start.
Christ in a MANGER
Moses in Egypt, lay in bushels
My dad was born in a courtyard!
I celebrate OBAMA's VICTORY for MOMS out there!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
When Mary was told that she was to have a child conceived in the most unexplained way.... she had the faith to accept it as it would be.
Imagine a sweet 17 year old minding her business... dating a guy with looks like mine and a heart of gold, well, one like err... mine. (let's talk about Mary first.)
So Mary is in a courtship with a guy to "die" for and she has to break his heart with the news that she was PREGNANT.(that's a hard paper!)
With the looks that we described and that kind of heart Joseph was a descent guy. The bible says he was thinking of 'honorably' dumping Mary. Now that's a guy of INTEGRITY.
How many guys would swallow their pride and go on with the wedding. remember he had not said I DO just yet. Well, that was also faith in action!
We forget that Jesus had to discover who he was....
Do you ever see Jesus as the boy that the village gossip ever excluded in their vibe.
Do you see Jesus as the guy the bully tried to oppress with talk about his conception.
I hate to imagine the insults that must have flown from the people that did not like his guts. Trust me if we have those today, they were here at the time of Jesus.
We hear no account of what happened in the life of JESUS because just like today the press were looking for a story with scandal but He was above that... He goes undetected but noticeable until he is 12 and blows the scribes away with the level of understanding of the scriptures.
He read scripture and possibly listen to his uncles and aunties... it must have struck him early that even though he was a carpenters' son he has a man in his Lineage that made him ROYAL, his forefather DAVID.(I bet this sent Jesus to the scriptures until ADAM)I bet when he read that from the womb of the WOMAN shall come one who would crash the devil... Lights were switched on for him.
Well after that incident at 12yrs the bible says he went and lived in obedience... we don't hear about him till he is READY to RAMBLE!!!!
FRIENDS... U think you have issues? JESUS is the ANSWER!
Imagine a sweet 17 year old minding her business... dating a guy with looks like mine and a heart of gold, well, one like err... mine. (let's talk about Mary first.)
So Mary is in a courtship with a guy to "die" for and she has to break his heart with the news that she was PREGNANT.(that's a hard paper!)
With the looks that we described and that kind of heart Joseph was a descent guy. The bible says he was thinking of 'honorably' dumping Mary. Now that's a guy of INTEGRITY.
How many guys would swallow their pride and go on with the wedding. remember he had not said I DO just yet. Well, that was also faith in action!
We forget that Jesus had to discover who he was....
Do you ever see Jesus as the boy that the village gossip ever excluded in their vibe.
Do you see Jesus as the guy the bully tried to oppress with talk about his conception.
I hate to imagine the insults that must have flown from the people that did not like his guts. Trust me if we have those today, they were here at the time of Jesus.
We hear no account of what happened in the life of JESUS because just like today the press were looking for a story with scandal but He was above that... He goes undetected but noticeable until he is 12 and blows the scribes away with the level of understanding of the scriptures.
He read scripture and possibly listen to his uncles and aunties... it must have struck him early that even though he was a carpenters' son he has a man in his Lineage that made him ROYAL, his forefather DAVID.(I bet this sent Jesus to the scriptures until ADAM)I bet when he read that from the womb of the WOMAN shall come one who would crash the devil... Lights were switched on for him.
Well after that incident at 12yrs the bible says he went and lived in obedience... we don't hear about him till he is READY to RAMBLE!!!!
FRIENDS... U think you have issues? JESUS is the ANSWER!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
1 KINGS 9:
Solomon builds a temple and does all he had ever desired. Putting the Name of GOD on it and praying for God to dwell in it, God hears him and approves it.God is all knowing and looks at Solomon and tells him to keep things as they are. "Remain a guy of Integrity and I will reside here." Infact, as Solomon's father had been promised that... he would have a son on the throne of Israel forever.
God goes ahead to assure Solomon that not sticking to his part of the bargain would mean Him leaving the temple. In fact God tells Solomon what people will say about the temple after the Lord has departed... " A symbol of RIDICULE"...
I don't know what you think but, i think that that's a CURSE waiting to happen.
Fast forward to 1 kings 10 when the gorgeous queen of Sheba visits and we know what happens.(The curse is evoked and the God departs the temple and it becomes a symbol of ridicule.)
This is where the promise to David is made through the prophet Nathan. Just look at the wordings in these verses...
verse 4: "Go and tell David that the Lord says that he isn't the one going to build the temple (Permanent place of God's residence)" God was living among them in their tents and moved with them.
The promise in 1CHRO 17: 11-14
From the above text, God had made a long term generational commitment to DAVID that Solomon tried to fulfill by building the temple. However the temple the lord was after was one in the integrity of heart and not the one of wood and stone.
This is ULTIMATELY why JESUS is born into the LINEAGE of DAVID.
To fulfill the written word and the promise of GOD in 1CHRON 17:12-14.(READ IT PLEASE)
JESUS is the SON OF DAVID (who always sits on the throne) THE BLESSING that ERASED the CURSE. If you abide in CHRIST, no one will ridicule you for your past... "THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION for THOSE in CHRIST JESUS"
I hope I haven't attempted to be THEOLOGICAL!!
Solomon builds a temple and does all he had ever desired. Putting the Name of GOD on it and praying for God to dwell in it, God hears him and approves it.God is all knowing and looks at Solomon and tells him to keep things as they are. "Remain a guy of Integrity and I will reside here." Infact, as Solomon's father had been promised that... he would have a son on the throne of Israel forever.
God goes ahead to assure Solomon that not sticking to his part of the bargain would mean Him leaving the temple. In fact God tells Solomon what people will say about the temple after the Lord has departed... " A symbol of RIDICULE"...
I don't know what you think but, i think that that's a CURSE waiting to happen.
Fast forward to 1 kings 10 when the gorgeous queen of Sheba visits and we know what happens.(The curse is evoked and the God departs the temple and it becomes a symbol of ridicule.)
This is where the promise to David is made through the prophet Nathan. Just look at the wordings in these verses...
verse 4: "Go and tell David that the Lord says that he isn't the one going to build the temple (Permanent place of God's residence)" God was living among them in their tents and moved with them.
The promise in 1CHRO 17: 11-14
From the above text, God had made a long term generational commitment to DAVID that Solomon tried to fulfill by building the temple. However the temple the lord was after was one in the integrity of heart and not the one of wood and stone.
This is ULTIMATELY why JESUS is born into the LINEAGE of DAVID.
To fulfill the written word and the promise of GOD in 1CHRON 17:12-14.(READ IT PLEASE)
JESUS is the SON OF DAVID (who always sits on the throne) THE BLESSING that ERASED the CURSE. If you abide in CHRIST, no one will ridicule you for your past... "THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION for THOSE in CHRIST JESUS"
I hope I haven't attempted to be THEOLOGICAL!!
Friday, October 03, 2008
CHURCH IS BUSINESS: get used to it!
I am writing this blog for that “spiritual” individual who thinks church is what happens on Sunday morning. Also to that conservative Christian who sees business as “financial politics”, and as many have put it, politics is a dirty game. Please be Christ like and make church your business.
LUKE 2: Christ declares to his mother and those that had come looking for him after pulling a disappearing act at the temple. Only aged 12 he says. “ How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?” KJV.
I know some translations will say house and not business, but we agree that only the father’s business can happen in the father’s house.
If your church fellowship is not a business then your pastor/head has not yet sold the vision of the church to you. Matter of fact you are not paying your tithe and giving your offering in full knowledge of the cause (why you belong).
A tithe is a “MANDATORY TAX” I will call it PAYE (pay as you earn) that is meant to go to the business projects of your home church called “MINISTRIES”. For instance, the church where I fellowship recently had a ministry fair and all these areas or projects better known as S.B.U’s (Strategic Business Units) were exhibited. This was to show where the investment of the shareholders (members) goes.
MALACHI 3: Not paying the tithe into these business units through the church fellowship (BUSINESS) is robbery.
With all this done, the church is in the business of TRANSFORMING LIVES of individuals thereby touching communities and healing nations. If you think church is not a business that demands loyalty, accountability and leadership you are blindly walking into a building on Sunday and paying your tithe and offering out of guilt…. I did this for some time so I know.
LUKE 2: Christ declares to his mother and those that had come looking for him after pulling a disappearing act at the temple. Only aged 12 he says. “ How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?” KJV.
I know some translations will say house and not business, but we agree that only the father’s business can happen in the father’s house.
If your church fellowship is not a business then your pastor/head has not yet sold the vision of the church to you. Matter of fact you are not paying your tithe and giving your offering in full knowledge of the cause (why you belong).
A tithe is a “MANDATORY TAX” I will call it PAYE (pay as you earn) that is meant to go to the business projects of your home church called “MINISTRIES”. For instance, the church where I fellowship recently had a ministry fair and all these areas or projects better known as S.B.U’s (Strategic Business Units) were exhibited. This was to show where the investment of the shareholders (members) goes.
MALACHI 3: Not paying the tithe into these business units through the church fellowship (BUSINESS) is robbery.
With all this done, the church is in the business of TRANSFORMING LIVES of individuals thereby touching communities and healing nations. If you think church is not a business that demands loyalty, accountability and leadership you are blindly walking into a building on Sunday and paying your tithe and offering out of guilt…. I did this for some time so I know.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I am more convinced than ever before that in order to unlock some of the mysteries in the bible, you have to read the book of GENESIS again. Here is one of the many reasons.
GENESIS is the word that gives birth to the word GENE from which we get the word GENEALOGY and science agrees that this is the FABRIC of humanity.
Humanity needs not fear the devil and this we can see from our genealogy. In genesis, we see that the devil and his schemes are meant to be as far away from us as possible. The devil was declared a vagabond and illegal to take habitation in our lives, here is the proof.
MATHEW 6:9-13 is the lords’ prayer. Emphasis on verse 10.
The will of God being done on earth as it is in heaven. Literally means that our BODIES (made from the earth) need to be conformed to the will of the father. Remember, “If my people, called by name…” Yes, He shall heal your FLESH… made from the earth (Land/earth/soil )Gen 2:7.
But if the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you. [Romans 8;11]
The consequences of the BLOOD were first shown in GEN:4: 8-14.
When Cain kills Abel, the power of the blood of the righteous of God is actually spelled out right there by GOD Himself. The punishment spelled to Cain was not for the Cain the man, but for the spirit behind the actions of Cain.
The Spirit of Cain is declared, “vagabond” and is not supposed to be anywhere in near the sons of God. I say it is the spirit of Cain because God protects Cain the man by assuring him that no one would actually kill him.
Fast forward to Mathew 27:32-44:
When the blood of Christ is shed, it is shed for us all…. This means that the devil actually killed you and me and our blood was spilled and sent the same message to God like that of Abel. (I hope you get this thing people.)
“Your” blood has been spilled coz you are DEAD in CHRIST! (gimme a HALLELUJAH!!)
OK… I am about to stand up at this point! Listen to what God is telling the devil on this matter conserning our health, wealth, family, relationships…
Gen: 4:10- God said, "What have you done? “ How dare you touch Ariho,…. This is where you put your name!
"I will do this thing also that you have spoken; for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name."
[Exodus 33;17]
More later
GENESIS is the word that gives birth to the word GENE from which we get the word GENEALOGY and science agrees that this is the FABRIC of humanity.
Humanity needs not fear the devil and this we can see from our genealogy. In genesis, we see that the devil and his schemes are meant to be as far away from us as possible. The devil was declared a vagabond and illegal to take habitation in our lives, here is the proof.
MATHEW 6:9-13 is the lords’ prayer. Emphasis on verse 10.
The will of God being done on earth as it is in heaven. Literally means that our BODIES (made from the earth) need to be conformed to the will of the father. Remember, “If my people, called by name…” Yes, He shall heal your FLESH… made from the earth (Land/earth/soil )Gen 2:7.
But if the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you. [Romans 8;11]
The consequences of the BLOOD were first shown in GEN:4: 8-14.
When Cain kills Abel, the power of the blood of the righteous of God is actually spelled out right there by GOD Himself. The punishment spelled to Cain was not for the Cain the man, but for the spirit behind the actions of Cain.
The Spirit of Cain is declared, “vagabond” and is not supposed to be anywhere in near the sons of God. I say it is the spirit of Cain because God protects Cain the man by assuring him that no one would actually kill him.
Fast forward to Mathew 27:32-44:
When the blood of Christ is shed, it is shed for us all…. This means that the devil actually killed you and me and our blood was spilled and sent the same message to God like that of Abel. (I hope you get this thing people.)
“Your” blood has been spilled coz you are DEAD in CHRIST! (gimme a HALLELUJAH!!)
OK… I am about to stand up at this point! Listen to what God is telling the devil on this matter conserning our health, wealth, family, relationships…
Gen: 4:10- God said, "What have you done? “ How dare you touch Ariho,…. This is where you put your name!
"I will do this thing also that you have spoken; for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name."
[Exodus 33;17]
More later
Monday, September 15, 2008
September to remember.... oh yes!!
Friends, I had prepared sermons and rehearsed the delivery but it all fell flat on its face.
I was in the car really composing myself and asking God for the grace when something dropped in my spirit.
The sermon that you shall preach shall not be about you but about ME.I want to say that Our God is a God of order, however, I was nervous and all over the place.
I had blogged my sermons: The one about temptation.
Anyway some things to note.
1. The blood of Christ was so deep as i opened the scriptures and the saving power that it has. On my spirit was JUST one Soul that I believe i was assigned to... and it did happen. One man gave his life to Christ.
2. It was good to have my dad over in the service especially that he was upcountry and had travelled back late.
3. I also led praise with my father, with him on the vocals and myself on the guitar.
I have decided to actually start preaching sermons and recording them for myself to teach myself.
Overall how did i do? (Sheepishly smiling)... preaching with the keyboard is different to talking to 500 blinking eyes!!!
Friends, I had prepared sermons and rehearsed the delivery but it all fell flat on its face.
I was in the car really composing myself and asking God for the grace when something dropped in my spirit.
The sermon that you shall preach shall not be about you but about ME.I want to say that Our God is a God of order, however, I was nervous and all over the place.
I had blogged my sermons: The one about temptation.
Anyway some things to note.
1. The blood of Christ was so deep as i opened the scriptures and the saving power that it has. On my spirit was JUST one Soul that I believe i was assigned to... and it did happen. One man gave his life to Christ.
2. It was good to have my dad over in the service especially that he was upcountry and had travelled back late.
3. I also led praise with my father, with him on the vocals and myself on the guitar.
I have decided to actually start preaching sermons and recording them for myself to teach myself.
Overall how did i do? (Sheepishly smiling)... preaching with the keyboard is different to talking to 500 blinking eyes!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I have been accused of being an OBAMA fanatic and rightly so. I have 2 shirts to show for it and have contributed to the campaign. I am a stakeholder! I have not had an American directly influence the way I view HOPE since Billy Graham retired from active ministry.
America is what it is today because people from distant shores traveled to its shores with nothing but HOPE. Many people have tried to down play hope as empty words and fronted EXPERIENCE and other credentials including LIPSTICK, but Jesus gave us with FAITH, HOPE and LOVE... the greatest being love.
All in all, I have a few pointers for my AMERICAN friends who will the final say at the polls on 4 November, AMERICA NEEDS OBAMA.
Nothing ever got done anywhere in the world unless someone was willing to HOPE and have the FAITH to diligently pursue it. This statement makes OBAMA the right man to lead America.
The best definition of leadership is by a personal mentor, Myles Munroe
“Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.” (The Spirit of Leadership)
No one has influenced, inspired and ignited politics world wide like Obama has.
As an African American, Obama possess the gene of an African, which America needs right now in order to preserve it. AFRICA IS THE LAND OF PRESERVATION and Its people carry the gene of preservation.
1. Jesus in order to escape death from Pharaoh was taken to AFRICA by his parent, obviously as the scriptures tell us.
2. The Children of Israel, escaped a famine that would have wiped them if it was not for them coming to AFRICA where they had enough to eat under Joseph.
3. The slaves that were taken captive to the west, including America were actually taken to work on farmlands and through their sweat and toil, although under duress and undue influence made the economies of the west what they are today.
It is evident that all authority comes from GOD and He is no respecter of “WHERE ONE IS FROM” geographically. Joseph in Egypt, the governor of California (whose name i cannot spell), Daniel in Babylon, Moses in Pharaoh's house... List is ENDLESS.
America is what it is today because people from distant shores traveled to its shores with nothing but HOPE. Many people have tried to down play hope as empty words and fronted EXPERIENCE and other credentials including LIPSTICK, but Jesus gave us with FAITH, HOPE and LOVE... the greatest being love.
All in all, I have a few pointers for my AMERICAN friends who will the final say at the polls on 4 November, AMERICA NEEDS OBAMA.
Nothing ever got done anywhere in the world unless someone was willing to HOPE and have the FAITH to diligently pursue it. This statement makes OBAMA the right man to lead America.
The best definition of leadership is by a personal mentor, Myles Munroe
“Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.” (The Spirit of Leadership)
No one has influenced, inspired and ignited politics world wide like Obama has.
As an African American, Obama possess the gene of an African, which America needs right now in order to preserve it. AFRICA IS THE LAND OF PRESERVATION and Its people carry the gene of preservation.
1. Jesus in order to escape death from Pharaoh was taken to AFRICA by his parent, obviously as the scriptures tell us.
2. The Children of Israel, escaped a famine that would have wiped them if it was not for them coming to AFRICA where they had enough to eat under Joseph.
3. The slaves that were taken captive to the west, including America were actually taken to work on farmlands and through their sweat and toil, although under duress and undue influence made the economies of the west what they are today.
It is evident that all authority comes from GOD and He is no respecter of “WHERE ONE IS FROM” geographically. Joseph in Egypt, the governor of California (whose name i cannot spell), Daniel in Babylon, Moses in Pharaoh's house... List is ENDLESS.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
It is amazing when you discover that GOD really wants us to prosper and stand out as heads or rather as KINGS in His Kingdom. Truly that is why we declare him KING of KINGS
How then do we become kings?
We become kings when we have a domain. As longs a man/woman has a domain they are crowned kings.
Domain – comes from the word DOMINION: an area of Jurisdiction. Sovereignty.
DOMINATE means to have a commanding influence over something.
• Bill Gates is the KING of Microsoft because he DOMINATED it.
• Michael Jordan - Basket ball
• Michael Jackson – King of POP
• Muhammad Ali – Boxing
• Tiger Woods – Golf
• Michael Phelps- Swimming
How do you become a king/ dominate an area/skill… etc?
1. The only way to dominate an area is stop treating failure in this area as a RESULT but as part of the FORMULAR. Bill Gates dropped out of school, M.J was told that he was too weak and too uncoordinated for the sport, MJ had a troubled childhood and continues to have an unstable adult life, Mohammed Ali, had issues with identity, Tiger woods, was too black for the sport of golf, Michael Phelps was un focused and “hard work”
As believers, when we become numb to trials and temptations knowing that the reward is far greater, we become kings over SIN and hence we are crowned with the crown of LIFE.
Deuronomy: 7: 16-19
16. You shall consume all the peoples who God your God shall deliver to you; your eye shall not pity them: neither shall you serve their gods; for that will be a snare to you.
17.If you shall say in your heart, these nations are more than I; how can I dispossess them?
18.you shall not be afraid of them: you shall well remember what God your God did to Pharaoh, and to all Egypt;
19.the great trials which your eyes saw, and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, and the outstretched arm, by which God your God brought you out: so shall God your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid.
MATHEW: 3:16, 17– 4:1
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Matthew 4:1. Then was Jesus led/driven up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. After the Glorification of GOD came the purification by Fire.
Jesus was tested in EVERY way and yet without sin.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn't the Father's, but is the world's. [1 John 2;16]
Lust of the flesh: (Mathew 4:3).
The tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread." We all get tempted with the last of the flesh, when did you last fast?
In the west the number one killer has become obesity, because people cannot control their appetites. Many Great men have been brought to their knees not by a woman but by lust of the flesh. Eg. Swaggart, Haggrard, Bill Clinton, Spitzer , John Edwards.
Lust of the eyes: (Mathew 4:8-9).
Again, the devil took him to an exceedingly high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory. He said to him, "I will give you all of these things, if you will fall down and worship me."
The kingdoms of the world that we are often showed by satan, in their glory actually belong to us but the promise is instant gratification.
Our eyes often wonder and we find ourselves “checking stuff out” . That car, that house, that phone, that sister, that brother…etc.
(And then the law of attraction comes into play. We hold mental pictures and start plotting how to have it now!)
Pride of Life: (Mathew 4:5-6).
Then the devil took him into the holy city. He set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, 'He will give his angels charge concerning you.' and, 'On their hands they will bear you up, So that you don't dash your foot against a stone.'
Satan’s suggestion to Jesus was “PUT ON A DISPLAY” such that they may see and marvel!
We are always compelled if not by our desires by our peers to put on a display.
➢ When you feel like showing, hide and when you feel like hiding show.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one other, that you may not do the things that you desire. Gal:5:17
Mathew 6:13a.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
In the Lords prayer we are asking the lord to deliver us, and not to lead us into temptation. This means that when we temptation comes. God should deliver us and but may it not be his hand orchestrating the trial as was the case for JESUS.
JOB: 1:6-12
In the accusations that the devil brings to God about Job was the issue of purification.
6 Now it happened on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before God, that Satan also came among them.
7 God said to Satan, "Where have you come from?"
Then Satan answered God, and said, "From going back and forth in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."
8 God said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant, Job? For there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and an upright man, one who fears God, and turns away from evil."
9 Then Satan answered God, and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing?
10 Haven't you made a hedge around him, and around his house, and around all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
11 But put forth your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will renounce you to your face." In 9-11 of Job, the message is “ Without testing, and scars to show you cannot claim to have a soldier in Job.” What battles has he fought to front him as one to contend with?
12 God said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power. Only on himself don't put forth your hand." So Satan went forth from the presence of God.
God knowing the HEART of JOB, doesn’t lead but lets trials come to Job.
But again, Let no man say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God," for God can't be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each one is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed.
Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin; and the sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death.
Don't be deceived, my beloved brothers.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, nor turning shadow. Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures. (James 1:13)
At the end of it Job is blessed 10 fold in places because one of the ingredients of increased blessing had been added to the equation.
What was Job’s “SIN”? (Job 1:1-5)
1. There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job. That man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God, and turned away from evil.
2. There were born to him seven sons and three daughters.
3. His possessions also were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred she-donkeys, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the children of the east.
4. His sons went and held a feast in the house of each one on his birthday; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
5. It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts." Thus did Job continually.
James 1:2-4
2. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations,
3. Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
4. Let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to those who love him.
1 Peter 1:6 - 7
Wherein you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been put to grief in various trials,
that the proof of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes even though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ
How then do we become kings?
We become kings when we have a domain. As longs a man/woman has a domain they are crowned kings.
Domain – comes from the word DOMINION: an area of Jurisdiction. Sovereignty.
DOMINATE means to have a commanding influence over something.
• Bill Gates is the KING of Microsoft because he DOMINATED it.
• Michael Jordan - Basket ball
• Michael Jackson – King of POP
• Muhammad Ali – Boxing
• Tiger Woods – Golf
• Michael Phelps- Swimming
How do you become a king/ dominate an area/skill… etc?
1. The only way to dominate an area is stop treating failure in this area as a RESULT but as part of the FORMULAR. Bill Gates dropped out of school, M.J was told that he was too weak and too uncoordinated for the sport, MJ had a troubled childhood and continues to have an unstable adult life, Mohammed Ali, had issues with identity, Tiger woods, was too black for the sport of golf, Michael Phelps was un focused and “hard work”
As believers, when we become numb to trials and temptations knowing that the reward is far greater, we become kings over SIN and hence we are crowned with the crown of LIFE.
Deuronomy: 7: 16-19
16. You shall consume all the peoples who God your God shall deliver to you; your eye shall not pity them: neither shall you serve their gods; for that will be a snare to you.
17.If you shall say in your heart, these nations are more than I; how can I dispossess them?
18.you shall not be afraid of them: you shall well remember what God your God did to Pharaoh, and to all Egypt;
19.the great trials which your eyes saw, and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, and the outstretched arm, by which God your God brought you out: so shall God your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid.
MATHEW: 3:16, 17– 4:1
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Matthew 4:1. Then was Jesus led/driven up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. After the Glorification of GOD came the purification by Fire.
Jesus was tested in EVERY way and yet without sin.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn't the Father's, but is the world's. [1 John 2;16]
Lust of the flesh: (Mathew 4:3).
The tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread." We all get tempted with the last of the flesh, when did you last fast?
In the west the number one killer has become obesity, because people cannot control their appetites. Many Great men have been brought to their knees not by a woman but by lust of the flesh. Eg. Swaggart, Haggrard, Bill Clinton, Spitzer , John Edwards.
Lust of the eyes: (Mathew 4:8-9).
Again, the devil took him to an exceedingly high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory. He said to him, "I will give you all of these things, if you will fall down and worship me."
The kingdoms of the world that we are often showed by satan, in their glory actually belong to us but the promise is instant gratification.
Our eyes often wonder and we find ourselves “checking stuff out” . That car, that house, that phone, that sister, that brother…etc.
(And then the law of attraction comes into play. We hold mental pictures and start plotting how to have it now!)
Pride of Life: (Mathew 4:5-6).
Then the devil took him into the holy city. He set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, 'He will give his angels charge concerning you.' and, 'On their hands they will bear you up, So that you don't dash your foot against a stone.'
Satan’s suggestion to Jesus was “PUT ON A DISPLAY” such that they may see and marvel!
We are always compelled if not by our desires by our peers to put on a display.
➢ When you feel like showing, hide and when you feel like hiding show.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one other, that you may not do the things that you desire. Gal:5:17
Mathew 6:13a.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
In the Lords prayer we are asking the lord to deliver us, and not to lead us into temptation. This means that when we temptation comes. God should deliver us and but may it not be his hand orchestrating the trial as was the case for JESUS.
JOB: 1:6-12
In the accusations that the devil brings to God about Job was the issue of purification.
6 Now it happened on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before God, that Satan also came among them.
7 God said to Satan, "Where have you come from?"
Then Satan answered God, and said, "From going back and forth in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."
8 God said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant, Job? For there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and an upright man, one who fears God, and turns away from evil."
9 Then Satan answered God, and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing?
10 Haven't you made a hedge around him, and around his house, and around all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
11 But put forth your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will renounce you to your face." In 9-11 of Job, the message is “ Without testing, and scars to show you cannot claim to have a soldier in Job.” What battles has he fought to front him as one to contend with?
12 God said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power. Only on himself don't put forth your hand." So Satan went forth from the presence of God.
God knowing the HEART of JOB, doesn’t lead but lets trials come to Job.
But again, Let no man say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God," for God can't be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each one is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed.
Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin; and the sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death.
Don't be deceived, my beloved brothers.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, nor turning shadow. Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures. (James 1:13)
At the end of it Job is blessed 10 fold in places because one of the ingredients of increased blessing had been added to the equation.
What was Job’s “SIN”? (Job 1:1-5)
1. There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job. That man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God, and turned away from evil.
2. There were born to him seven sons and three daughters.
3. His possessions also were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred she-donkeys, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the children of the east.
4. His sons went and held a feast in the house of each one on his birthday; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
5. It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts." Thus did Job continually.
James 1:2-4
2. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations,
3. Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
4. Let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to those who love him.
1 Peter 1:6 - 7
Wherein you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been put to grief in various trials,
that the proof of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes even though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ
Well, I really admire JOYCE MEYER she is truly anointed and when she starts slating herself on the issue of talking too much?, We are so on the same page! Well Sister Joyce you always talk about me only that you put herself in the frame.
Recently, thanks to face book… I got chatting to an old friend and as fate would have it, we talked a lot about the past…. Obviously we are friends so that makes it obvious that our lives crossed paths at one point.
I just realised my big mouth is influencing my fingers too…. Here I am making matters worse… Haha.
Well, after I said all I said… it was clear that when you take things off your chest and they cease to become “secrets” between you and yourself… they kind of lose the power they had over you. It is funny how you can flip from OK to not so OK because your mind just visited a stage in the past.
OK this morning woke up to the book of DANIEL… I am 3 chapters into it and will give you my take on it in a short while.
Recently, thanks to face book… I got chatting to an old friend and as fate would have it, we talked a lot about the past…. Obviously we are friends so that makes it obvious that our lives crossed paths at one point.
I just realised my big mouth is influencing my fingers too…. Here I am making matters worse… Haha.
Well, after I said all I said… it was clear that when you take things off your chest and they cease to become “secrets” between you and yourself… they kind of lose the power they had over you. It is funny how you can flip from OK to not so OK because your mind just visited a stage in the past.
OK this morning woke up to the book of DANIEL… I am 3 chapters into it and will give you my take on it in a short while.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Living in God's LOVE

Amazing grace how sweet the sound!!... BOYZIIMEN!!
I have been below par lately not on my usual flame reading the word and sharing it. My reason was i had lots of work to do and the excuse has been holding until this morning when I woke up with GOD just asking for the tithe.
A tenth of my 24 hours as the bare minimum.
If you are feeling this way pal... I am asking you to read MALACHI 3.
The promise is that GOD will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing so GREAT you cannot contain it. For a minute i thought about a 30hr and it is what I ask for, at this rate i can use a 50 hour day!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I once heard someone say EXPERIENCE is the best teacher and quickly some one countered saying experience is the teacher of fools. Hair raising, right?
After listening to Bill Clinton's speech at the DNC in Denver, I realized that as one of the most successful presidents of modern history, Bill Clinton spoke with conviction and authority greatly endorsing BARACK OBAMA.
The "inexperienced one" in the eyes of John McCain and his cronies.
Well, this is what I have to say: Obama has seen the mistakes of other men and has learnt from them, while John McCain has made pretty many errors and we are not sure if he is gonna mend.
So who is the real deal, America DECIDES.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Guys, this is something i found in my junk mail and it really is interesting. Would you do the same?
A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He Climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in seven Digits (phone numbers).
The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation:
Boy: "Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?
Woman: (at the other end of the phone line): "I already have someone to cut my lawn."
Boy: "Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now."
Woman: I'm very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.
Boy: (with more perseverance): "Lady, I'll even sweep your curb and your sidewalk, so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach , Florida ."
Woman: No, thank you.
With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver. The store-owner, who was listening to all This walked over to the boy.
Store Owner: "Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job."
Boy: "No thanks,
Store Owner: But you were really pleading for one.
Boy: No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the job I already have. I am the one who is working for that lady, I was talking to!"
This is what we call "Self Appraisal"
A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He Climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in seven Digits (phone numbers).
The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation:
Boy: "Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?
Woman: (at the other end of the phone line): "I already have someone to cut my lawn."
Boy: "Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now."
Woman: I'm very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.
Boy: (with more perseverance): "Lady, I'll even sweep your curb and your sidewalk, so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach , Florida ."
Woman: No, thank you.
With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver. The store-owner, who was listening to all This walked over to the boy.
Store Owner: "Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job."
Boy: "No thanks,
Store Owner: But you were really pleading for one.
Boy: No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the job I already have. I am the one who is working for that lady, I was talking to!"
This is what we call "Self Appraisal"
Friday, August 22, 2008
Yesterday was eventful and I realised that one can be seen as a PROUD person because of their speech. Right now I am excited about the Advertising firm friends of mine and I have put together. It is so exciting that I find myself telling even strangers about it.
I had dinner with a friend and found myself in preach mode as we shared the LOVE of Christ and how it supersedes any thing that may want to exalt its-self above it.
Our chat was on LIMITS and BOUNDARIES.
God’s Plan for us is to OPERATE without LIMITS and boundaries. However, he has placed us inside limits to perfect our ability to enlarge them and take the entire BOUNDARY.
Check this out:
Adam and Eve were placed with in a BOUNDARY but were given LIMITS. These LIMITS are meant to protect us from the enemy.
JOB was in a boundary and was protected by LIMITS. We see that the devil came in and Job was steadfast and reworded with the entire BOUNDARY.
Guys, NO, LIMITS, NO BOUNDARIES. I see Increase All around me. BREAK FORTH
I had dinner with a friend and found myself in preach mode as we shared the LOVE of Christ and how it supersedes any thing that may want to exalt its-self above it.
Our chat was on LIMITS and BOUNDARIES.
God’s Plan for us is to OPERATE without LIMITS and boundaries. However, he has placed us inside limits to perfect our ability to enlarge them and take the entire BOUNDARY.
Check this out:
Adam and Eve were placed with in a BOUNDARY but were given LIMITS. These LIMITS are meant to protect us from the enemy.
JOB was in a boundary and was protected by LIMITS. We see that the devil came in and Job was steadfast and reworded with the entire BOUNDARY.
Guys, NO, LIMITS, NO BOUNDARIES. I see Increase All around me. BREAK FORTH
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
GET an IDEA, make it WALK, before long it will FLY.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thanks to my faithful morale boosters.
I am gonna come up with views on that question.
But in a NUT shell, Jesus Christ did not begin any
"movement" called "CHRISTIANS".
matter of fact, it was begun by the PAGANS who saw the
believers of the time act like Christ and called them
What I know is that, For all that are led by the spirit
of God are called SONS. (Romans 8:14)
I am sure that SONS will inherit HEAVEN and wont go to Hell.
On the flip side, there are the "quote and quote" Christians in LUKE 13:25.
When once the master of the house has risen up, and has shut the door, and you begin to stand outside, and to knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open to us!' then he will answer and tell you, 'I don't know you or where you come from.'
One apart from the other is DEAD, above in LUKE 13:25,is works without faith
and in James 2:20 is faith without faith.
James 2:17 - 23
Good deeds and not the title make you a christian as the scriptures teach us in
James 2:17-23, below
17. Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead in itself.
18. Yes, a man will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith.
19. You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe, and shudder.
20. But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead?
21. Wasn't Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?
22. You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected;
23. and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness;" and he was called the friend of God.
I hope this makes clarifies something.
God bless.... I am off to repent!!!!
I am gonna come up with views on that question.
But in a NUT shell, Jesus Christ did not begin any
"movement" called "CHRISTIANS".
matter of fact, it was begun by the PAGANS who saw the
believers of the time act like Christ and called them
What I know is that, For all that are led by the spirit
of God are called SONS. (Romans 8:14)
I am sure that SONS will inherit HEAVEN and wont go to Hell.
On the flip side, there are the "quote and quote" Christians in LUKE 13:25.
When once the master of the house has risen up, and has shut the door, and you begin to stand outside, and to knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open to us!' then he will answer and tell you, 'I don't know you or where you come from.'
One apart from the other is DEAD, above in LUKE 13:25,is works without faith
and in James 2:20 is faith without faith.
James 2:17 - 23
Good deeds and not the title make you a christian as the scriptures teach us in
James 2:17-23, below
17. Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead in itself.
18. Yes, a man will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith.
19. You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe, and shudder.
20. But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead?
21. Wasn't Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?
22. You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected;
23. and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness;" and he was called the friend of God.
I hope this makes clarifies something.
God bless.... I am off to repent!!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
W.E.A.K dudes or WEAK dudes?
I was planning to write a commentary on my experiences the last couple of days and realised whatever i wanted to write was already DONE.
Paul Writes it in his letter to the Romans Chapter 5.
Please read this as I get my thought together.
Results of Justification
1 For which reason, because we have righteousness through faith, let us be at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;
2 Through whom, in the same way, we have been able by faith to come to this grace in which we now are; and let us have joy in hope of the glory of God.
3 And not only so, but let us have joy in our troubles: in the knowledge that trouble gives us the power of waiting;
4 And waiting gives experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope does not put to shame; because our hearts are full of the love of God through the Holy Spirit which is given to us.
6 For when we were still without strength, at the right time Christ gave his life for evil-doers.
7 Now it is hard for anyone to give his life even for an upright man, though it might be that for a good man someone would give his life.
8 But God has made clear his love to us, in that, when we were still sinners, Christ gave his life for us.
9 Much more, if we now have righteousness by his blood, will salvation from the wrath of God come to us through him.
10 For if, when we were haters of God, the death of his Son made us at peace with him, much more, now that we are his friends, will we have salvation through his life;
11 And not only so, but we have joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we are now at peace with God.
12 For this reason, as through one man sin came into the world, and death because of sin, and so death came to all men, because all have done evil:
13 Because, till the law came, sin was in existence, but sin is not put to the account of anyone when there is no law to be broken.
14 But still death had power from Adam till Moses, even over those who had not done wrong like Adam, who is a picture of him who was to come.
15 But the free giving of God is not like the wrongdoing of man. For if, by the wrongdoing of one man death came to numbers of men, much more did the grace of God, and the free giving by the grace of one man, Jesus Christ, come to men.
16 And the free giving has not the same effect as the sin of one: for the effect of one man's sin was punishment by the decision of God, but the free giving had power to give righteousness to wrongdoers in great number.
17 For, if by the wrongdoing of one, death was ruling through the one, much more will those to whom has come the wealth of grace and the giving of righteousness, be ruling in life through the one, even Jesus Christ.
18 So then, as the effect of one act of wrongdoing was that punishment came on all men, even so the effect of one act of righteousness was righteousness of life for all men.
19 Because, as numbers of men became sinners through the wrongdoing of one man, even so will great numbers get righteousness through the keeping of the word of God by one man.
20 And the law came in addition, to make wrongdoing worse; but where there was much sin, there was much more grace: 21 That, as sin had power in death, so grace might have power through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God bless
Paul Writes it in his letter to the Romans Chapter 5.
Please read this as I get my thought together.
Results of Justification
1 For which reason, because we have righteousness through faith, let us be at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;
2 Through whom, in the same way, we have been able by faith to come to this grace in which we now are; and let us have joy in hope of the glory of God.
3 And not only so, but let us have joy in our troubles: in the knowledge that trouble gives us the power of waiting;
4 And waiting gives experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope does not put to shame; because our hearts are full of the love of God through the Holy Spirit which is given to us.
6 For when we were still without strength, at the right time Christ gave his life for evil-doers.
7 Now it is hard for anyone to give his life even for an upright man, though it might be that for a good man someone would give his life.
8 But God has made clear his love to us, in that, when we were still sinners, Christ gave his life for us.
9 Much more, if we now have righteousness by his blood, will salvation from the wrath of God come to us through him.
10 For if, when we were haters of God, the death of his Son made us at peace with him, much more, now that we are his friends, will we have salvation through his life;
11 And not only so, but we have joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we are now at peace with God.
12 For this reason, as through one man sin came into the world, and death because of sin, and so death came to all men, because all have done evil:
13 Because, till the law came, sin was in existence, but sin is not put to the account of anyone when there is no law to be broken.
14 But still death had power from Adam till Moses, even over those who had not done wrong like Adam, who is a picture of him who was to come.
15 But the free giving of God is not like the wrongdoing of man. For if, by the wrongdoing of one man death came to numbers of men, much more did the grace of God, and the free giving by the grace of one man, Jesus Christ, come to men.
16 And the free giving has not the same effect as the sin of one: for the effect of one man's sin was punishment by the decision of God, but the free giving had power to give righteousness to wrongdoers in great number.
17 For, if by the wrongdoing of one, death was ruling through the one, much more will those to whom has come the wealth of grace and the giving of righteousness, be ruling in life through the one, even Jesus Christ.
18 So then, as the effect of one act of wrongdoing was that punishment came on all men, even so the effect of one act of righteousness was righteousness of life for all men.
19 Because, as numbers of men became sinners through the wrongdoing of one man, even so will great numbers get righteousness through the keeping of the word of God by one man.
20 And the law came in addition, to make wrongdoing worse; but where there was much sin, there was much more grace: 21 That, as sin had power in death, so grace might have power through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God bless
Friday, August 15, 2008
I opened the blog comments ability to take on anyone without having to possess a blog account. Please Pen off with your name.
I opened the blog comments ability to take on anyone without having to possess a blog account. Please Pen off with your name.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Day one at the materials development workshop.
These are good times in my life especially now that I feel like I have my career path cut out.... its taken me 30 odd years, but its never too late!!
Anyway, it has been a long day at the YEAH seminar and quite, lots of learning and interaction with people from many walks of life.
I will save you the details.....
One highlight was, remember my earlier blog on GOD giving.... and giving?
It did come up!!
I was not aware that the president had actually commented on this too.
He was saying, that somehow religion has made us really soft on tackling the issues that cause deaths and loss in our societies.People have taken death as the Lord taking away what HE had given.
I think Mr. Museveni was a bit on the ball there,.... We need to investigate these things that cause death and rebuke, refuse and end them. It is not "THE LORD TAKING AWAY, JUST..."
Well, as we developed materials for behaviour change, we agreed that these need to offer solutions and longer life and every death should trigger an investigation and push for remedies... not the "Insh'Allah" mentality.
Another thing that caught my eye was a quote by Mark Twain who said.
"I apologize for writing this long letter but it is because i did not have time to write a short one."
On a sad note... Uganda needs to move fast on RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS and FAITH GROUPS protection, otherwise the west will secularize us and break the core values that their fathers helped teach here as missionaries. (Shhssstt.... can you imagine there are policies that organizations craft in their contracts that state things like... "WHEN YOU MEET, DON'T PRAY!!" - Flabbergasting, eh?!
Lord help us!!
Am out!
These are good times in my life especially now that I feel like I have my career path cut out.... its taken me 30 odd years, but its never too late!!
Anyway, it has been a long day at the YEAH seminar and quite, lots of learning and interaction with people from many walks of life.
I will save you the details.....
One highlight was, remember my earlier blog on GOD giving.... and giving?
It did come up!!
I was not aware that the president had actually commented on this too.
He was saying, that somehow religion has made us really soft on tackling the issues that cause deaths and loss in our societies.People have taken death as the Lord taking away what HE had given.
I think Mr. Museveni was a bit on the ball there,.... We need to investigate these things that cause death and rebuke, refuse and end them. It is not "THE LORD TAKING AWAY, JUST..."
Well, as we developed materials for behaviour change, we agreed that these need to offer solutions and longer life and every death should trigger an investigation and push for remedies... not the "Insh'Allah" mentality.
Another thing that caught my eye was a quote by Mark Twain who said.
"I apologize for writing this long letter but it is because i did not have time to write a short one."
On a sad note... Uganda needs to move fast on RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS and FAITH GROUPS protection, otherwise the west will secularize us and break the core values that their fathers helped teach here as missionaries. (Shhssstt.... can you imagine there are policies that organizations craft in their contracts that state things like... "WHEN YOU MEET, DON'T PRAY!!" - Flabbergasting, eh?!
Lord help us!!
Am out!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Moses, standing at the red sea with the children of Israel hears a stampede from a distance.The chariots of Pharaoh are in the distance and the haze from the dust they are raising makes it look like Egypt is on FIRE.(time check 18:15)
Then slowly a murmur from the back spreads thought the whole crowd like a fire till screams of desperation and frustration reach Moses standing in front of the crowd. "Did you bring us here to kill us".... and some more nasty comments start to fly towards Moses. He is pretty confused now.
Moses goes to the mountain to listen to GOD and find out how to deal with the problem at hand. He walks like up the mountain and arrives to a nice place of prayer which he sanctifies with a prayer of "SANCTIFICATION" (time check 18:45) He is ready to say the lords' prayer at 18:55 and at this time the crowd is planning how to swim across the red sea because the chariots are 20 minutes away.
I think prayer is preparation for what is lies a head.
I have often found myself praying during times when decisions need to be made.
Friends, PRAY without CEASING when that decision arrives God will work a good thing in you.[1 Thessalonians 5;17]
Be encouraged.
Moses, standing at the red sea with the children of Israel hears a stampede from a distance.The chariots of Pharaoh are in the distance and the haze from the dust they are raising makes it look like Egypt is on FIRE.(time check 18:15)
Then slowly a murmur from the back spreads thought the whole crowd like a fire till screams of desperation and frustration reach Moses standing in front of the crowd. "Did you bring us here to kill us".... and some more nasty comments start to fly towards Moses. He is pretty confused now.
Moses goes to the mountain to listen to GOD and find out how to deal with the problem at hand. He walks like up the mountain and arrives to a nice place of prayer which he sanctifies with a prayer of "SANCTIFICATION" (time check 18:45) He is ready to say the lords' prayer at 18:55 and at this time the crowd is planning how to swim across the red sea because the chariots are 20 minutes away.
I think prayer is preparation for what is lies a head.
I have often found myself praying during times when decisions need to be made.
Friends, PRAY without CEASING when that decision arrives God will work a good thing in you.[1 Thessalonians 5;17]
Be encouraged.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
On many funerals, at least the few that I have been to.
I have often heard the PRIEST, REVEREND, CANNON, POPE...etc
I think this should be REPUDIATED in the strongest terms possible.
This quote was taken from the book of JOB.
But we need to know that Job made this statement as a response to his friends who had come to visit him at his lowest... ( Psalms 141:5 Let the righteous strike me, it is kindness; Let him reprove me, it is like oil on the head; Don't let my head refuse it; Yet my prayer is always against evil deeds.)... is what he wanted to say to them I assume.
However it was by FEAR that Job went under trial.
The devil wanted to taste if Job worshiped God out of love or fear.
1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job. That man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God, and turned away from evil.
2 There were born to him seven sons and three daughters.
3 His possessions also were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred she-donkeys, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the children of the east.
4 His sons went and held a feast in the house of each one on his birthday; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
5 It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts." Thus did Job continually.
As a ritual, JOB made a "FEAR" offering. one aimed at "BRIBING" God for FEAR that his children had cursed GOD.
6 Now it happened on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before God, that Satan also came among them.
7 God said to Satan, "Where have you come from?"
Then Satan answered God, and said, "From going back and forth in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."
8 God said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant, Job? For there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and an upright man, one who fears God, and turns away from evil."
9 Then Satan answered God, and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing?
10 Haven't you made a hedge around him, and around his house, and around all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
11 But put forth your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will renounce you to your face."
12 God said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power. Only on himself don't put forth your hand." So Satan went forth from the presence of God.
The next six chapters, we see that satan, went to accuse Job of loving GOD for what HE does and not WHO HE is. But God knew Job's Heart and was willing to let satan attain the defeat he asked for.
The rest is HISTORY. After the devil had taken away, GOD GAVE in measures of 10's and 100's FOLD.
PROVERBS 10:22 God's blessing brings wealth, And he adds no trouble to it.
Be blessed
I have often heard the PRIEST, REVEREND, CANNON, POPE...etc
I think this should be REPUDIATED in the strongest terms possible.
This quote was taken from the book of JOB.
But we need to know that Job made this statement as a response to his friends who had come to visit him at his lowest... ( Psalms 141:5 Let the righteous strike me, it is kindness; Let him reprove me, it is like oil on the head; Don't let my head refuse it; Yet my prayer is always against evil deeds.)... is what he wanted to say to them I assume.
However it was by FEAR that Job went under trial.
The devil wanted to taste if Job worshiped God out of love or fear.
1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job. That man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God, and turned away from evil.
2 There were born to him seven sons and three daughters.
3 His possessions also were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred she-donkeys, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the children of the east.
4 His sons went and held a feast in the house of each one on his birthday; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
5 It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts." Thus did Job continually.
As a ritual, JOB made a "FEAR" offering. one aimed at "BRIBING" God for FEAR that his children had cursed GOD.
6 Now it happened on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before God, that Satan also came among them.
7 God said to Satan, "Where have you come from?"
Then Satan answered God, and said, "From going back and forth in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."
8 God said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant, Job? For there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and an upright man, one who fears God, and turns away from evil."
9 Then Satan answered God, and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing?
10 Haven't you made a hedge around him, and around his house, and around all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
11 But put forth your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will renounce you to your face."
12 God said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power. Only on himself don't put forth your hand." So Satan went forth from the presence of God.
The next six chapters, we see that satan, went to accuse Job of loving GOD for what HE does and not WHO HE is. But God knew Job's Heart and was willing to let satan attain the defeat he asked for.
The rest is HISTORY. After the devil had taken away, GOD GAVE in measures of 10's and 100's FOLD.
PROVERBS 10:22 God's blessing brings wealth, And he adds no trouble to it.
Be blessed
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
2KINGS 4:1-6 KJV
1 Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.
FROM this verse, we see that a SITUATIONAL problem was gonna get GENERATIONAL. The debt of the father was gonna mean a generation of slaves. Fathers, Parents to be... lets think before we get our children in trouble, I think borrowing is not wrong but the family should know what it is for.
2 And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.
The lady had oil but claimed to have NOTHING.... U have life, u have health, you have friends... U have something. ALWAYS... God made us SEED-full and calls us to be FRUITFUL (Gen 1:22)
3 Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.
Borrowing from your neighbours... CAN THEY LEND YOU? imagine a situation where her neighbours would not lend her. A principle that i use before i lend now is, can i afford to lose what am lending out. It has grown after a series of mistakes. HAVE good neighbours, be a good neighbour. You need people as much as they need you.
4 And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full.
Isolation is good for the soul. It should be deliberate and focused. People need to shut the doors of distraction and perfect their gift. Multiply it. How we are quick to sell before we gathered enough.(I fall culprit here!!)
5 So she went from him, and shut the door upon her and upon her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured out.
6 And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed.
THE MIRACLE of MULTIPLICATION HAPPENS with you using the Little that you have without interruption. Gather confidence in how to apply it and then sell it to the PUBLIC.
Your family is the first market you have. can you bake cakes edible enough for your family... then the public is ready. If your family thinks you are a bad cook... catering is not your business.
7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest.
Be blessed!
1 Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.
FROM this verse, we see that a SITUATIONAL problem was gonna get GENERATIONAL. The debt of the father was gonna mean a generation of slaves. Fathers, Parents to be... lets think before we get our children in trouble, I think borrowing is not wrong but the family should know what it is for.
2 And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.
The lady had oil but claimed to have NOTHING.... U have life, u have health, you have friends... U have something. ALWAYS... God made us SEED-full and calls us to be FRUITFUL (Gen 1:22)
3 Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.
Borrowing from your neighbours... CAN THEY LEND YOU? imagine a situation where her neighbours would not lend her. A principle that i use before i lend now is, can i afford to lose what am lending out. It has grown after a series of mistakes. HAVE good neighbours, be a good neighbour. You need people as much as they need you.
4 And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full.
Isolation is good for the soul. It should be deliberate and focused. People need to shut the doors of distraction and perfect their gift. Multiply it. How we are quick to sell before we gathered enough.(I fall culprit here!!)
5 So she went from him, and shut the door upon her and upon her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured out.
6 And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed.
THE MIRACLE of MULTIPLICATION HAPPENS with you using the Little that you have without interruption. Gather confidence in how to apply it and then sell it to the PUBLIC.
Your family is the first market you have. can you bake cakes edible enough for your family... then the public is ready. If your family thinks you are a bad cook... catering is not your business.
7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest.
Be blessed!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Well, just a little something every day is good enough…
Together let us read this slowly and digest it word for word.
1. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
4. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
5. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
In other words… in order to be blessed you MUST do the ABOVE!!
Together let us read this slowly and digest it word for word.
1. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
4. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
5. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
In other words… in order to be blessed you MUST do the ABOVE!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Dear Friends,
Today is indeed a special day.
after listening to a lot of teaching from men of GOD
I stepped out to do what I had not done before.
I will tell you all about it.
Today is indeed a special day.
after listening to a lot of teaching from men of GOD
I stepped out to do what I had not done before.
I will tell you all about it.
Monday, June 09, 2008
I have been attending Sunday services at H.O.P (the gathering at KATI KATI)
I particularly like the way the word is taught and the Q and A session at the end is one that does it for me.
I really enjoyed the teachings on CHURCH leadership and i think it was well researched and quite deep.
Let me add that I am quite a distance from being a pastor, bishop or.....
Bless God.
it was deep stuff.
I particularly like the way the word is taught and the Q and A session at the end is one that does it for me.
I really enjoyed the teachings on CHURCH leadership and i think it was well researched and quite deep.
Let me add that I am quite a distance from being a pastor, bishop or.....
Bless God.
it was deep stuff.
Friday, June 06, 2008
On heroes day 1998 in wandegeya, a Kampala suburb where i went to school, something happened. It was a great setting to get all the attention and as part of a dance act that would ROCK the rest of the school, the dance moves had been done and i knew my routine. It was the MAKERERE HIGH SCHOOL Celebration!
In the hot sun than started blazing at 11am, we gathered in the school Chapel where all the equipment was being installed and tested for a 12pm praise rally. Bob Kibirango was on the drums making organized noise as "TRUMPET VOICED" Simon Kinobe made noise with the electric guitar this time round. A truly amazing site, The kids were in control except for one "MZEE" Francis Kaggwa who was just among the kids.
The guest list was amazing: Musumba DJ, HEAVEN BOUND, BV, GO10, YUNNIE ZAWEDDE and Annette Namigadde who was a ready to rewind cassette player of the hit INSTEAD of ME... you took the cross at Calvary, instead of me you shade your blood.....trying not to get carried away.
Well all went as planned and then, the moment of truth... Johnathan Bukenkya, Anita Asiimwe Brenda, Bob, Myself and a few others got onto the stage to bring 3 weeks practice down.
As the speakers belted out KIRK's STOMP, I was gliding across the stage with the the mic in my hands making sure it was well switched off in case people noticed i had a challenge with the lyrics!
Then I fell into formation and the group of 6 started moving like mirror images. The show was fine alright, the crowd was on its feet and you could see people at the very end hanging in the windows just to get a glimpse. It was not long and we were off the stage to a THUNDEROUS applause. Met back stage and threw hugs and Hi 5's around. THE SATISFACTION!!!!
Well, whatever happened in between was but fuzzy till today but I walked back to the hall where the M'sumba DJ aka Martin Sempa was on the mic talking about the Love of GOD, salvation and JESUS. He spoke in the kind of accent that made the makes many "NOT WANT" to listen but "WANNA" listen and listen "aaigh".
Well, I remember he made the alter call and i thought it was time. Hesitated at first and then i heard a voice call me out. Before i could make my way to the front a one AZIZ, well known school kid with a smooth tongue and a sizable ladies fan club walked forward and as though it was like ... He can do it, So can you. I got the courage and then a SOUND BUBBLE... could here my footsteps as i made ma way to the front to receive Christ. THEN as i placed my hand in Martin Sempa's hand the bubble burst and all I could hear was an "EMIRATES stadium" roar.
There.... I received Christ and had the best 5 months of revival sweeping home with God touching my Dad in a way He's never touched him and salvation for DAD came faster than mine. He was invited to a prayer breakfast and THERE 8 people gave their lives to JESUS.
I have had my moments where i stepped out of my lane but JESUS has qualified me that He picks me up and lets me run on without PENALTY....
I was hosted on TOP radio and had my testimony beamed to Uganda to the Glory of JESUS.
In the hot sun than started blazing at 11am, we gathered in the school Chapel where all the equipment was being installed and tested for a 12pm praise rally. Bob Kibirango was on the drums making organized noise as "TRUMPET VOICED" Simon Kinobe made noise with the electric guitar this time round. A truly amazing site, The kids were in control except for one "MZEE" Francis Kaggwa who was just among the kids.
The guest list was amazing: Musumba DJ, HEAVEN BOUND, BV, GO10, YUNNIE ZAWEDDE and Annette Namigadde who was a ready to rewind cassette player of the hit INSTEAD of ME... you took the cross at Calvary, instead of me you shade your blood.....trying not to get carried away.
Well all went as planned and then, the moment of truth... Johnathan Bukenkya, Anita Asiimwe Brenda, Bob, Myself and a few others got onto the stage to bring 3 weeks practice down.
As the speakers belted out KIRK's STOMP, I was gliding across the stage with the the mic in my hands making sure it was well switched off in case people noticed i had a challenge with the lyrics!
Then I fell into formation and the group of 6 started moving like mirror images. The show was fine alright, the crowd was on its feet and you could see people at the very end hanging in the windows just to get a glimpse. It was not long and we were off the stage to a THUNDEROUS applause. Met back stage and threw hugs and Hi 5's around. THE SATISFACTION!!!!
Well, whatever happened in between was but fuzzy till today but I walked back to the hall where the M'sumba DJ aka Martin Sempa was on the mic talking about the Love of GOD, salvation and JESUS. He spoke in the kind of accent that made the makes many "NOT WANT" to listen but "WANNA" listen and listen "aaigh".
Well, I remember he made the alter call and i thought it was time. Hesitated at first and then i heard a voice call me out. Before i could make my way to the front a one AZIZ, well known school kid with a smooth tongue and a sizable ladies fan club walked forward and as though it was like ... He can do it, So can you. I got the courage and then a SOUND BUBBLE... could here my footsteps as i made ma way to the front to receive Christ. THEN as i placed my hand in Martin Sempa's hand the bubble burst and all I could hear was an "EMIRATES stadium" roar.
There.... I received Christ and had the best 5 months of revival sweeping home with God touching my Dad in a way He's never touched him and salvation for DAD came faster than mine. He was invited to a prayer breakfast and THERE 8 people gave their lives to JESUS.
I have had my moments where i stepped out of my lane but JESUS has qualified me that He picks me up and lets me run on without PENALTY....
I was hosted on TOP radio and had my testimony beamed to Uganda to the Glory of JESUS.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
When ADAM was placed in the Garden of EDEN and instructions passed to him, everything seemed merry. We don't know if that was the case because GOD, who had declared that everything HE had made was good realized that it was not good for man to be alone.
Fast forward to the serpent tempting Eve and the events that followed. When God returned and demanded accountability, ADAM blamed EVE and as the story goes the serpent didn't have a "leg to stand on".
Well, It was nice seeing that OBAMA rose high in popularity because of his accountability and HILLARY initially blamed the campaign manager who walked, then the press which run way from her and finally her Gender which did not have a leg to stand on.
I am thinking..... If Obama was in her shoes, would his GENDER have a leg to stand? considering the fact that the press and the campaign team would walk. I am glad that the BLACK RACE HAS LEG and its walking tall and PROUD on the SHOULDERS of OBAMA
Fast forward to the serpent tempting Eve and the events that followed. When God returned and demanded accountability, ADAM blamed EVE and as the story goes the serpent didn't have a "leg to stand on".
Well, It was nice seeing that OBAMA rose high in popularity because of his accountability and HILLARY initially blamed the campaign manager who walked, then the press which run way from her and finally her Gender which did not have a leg to stand on.
I am thinking..... If Obama was in her shoes, would his GENDER have a leg to stand? considering the fact that the press and the campaign team would walk. I am glad that the BLACK RACE HAS LEG and its walking tall and PROUD on the SHOULDERS of OBAMA
Obama's first test: Handling Hillary
Barack Obama would like to remind you of something: He won and she didn’t. It’s about him now and not her. He has made history, and she is history. Not that Hillary Clinton admitted to any of that in her nonconcession concession speech Tuesday night, after Obama attained the delegate votes he needs for the Democratic presidential nomination
For someone giving indications she would like to be Obama’s running mate, Clinton was surprisingly ungracious. In fact, if you had just awakened from a (blissful) 17-month sleep, you would have thought she had won.“Because of you, we won together the swing states necessary to get to 270 electoral votes,” she told the crowd in New York City. “I want the nearly 18 million Americans who voted for me to be respected, to be heard and no longer to be invisible.”
But her fighting words only increased the need for Obama to show that he can be strong, tough and in charge. Clinton’s unwillingness to recognize Obama as the victor only increased the need for Obama to act like a president and not like a doormat. And denying her a vice presidential slot may be a way of doing that.
It has been a hard-fought and sometimes bitter campaign, but Obama is not, one of his senior advisers assured me Tuesday night, going to spend a lot of time in the next few months wooing Clinton supporters whose feelings may be hurting.
“I think there are always immediate feelings of disappointment and anger,” Anita Dunn said. “But in the months ahead, he must appeal not just to the constituency groups who favored her in the primaries, but those he wants in the general election, and that includes independents and Republicans.”
Another Obama adviser, who asked not to be identified, said that he was not worried that Clinton supporters would stay angry.
“Look at how many switched today to Obama,” he said. “Look at the Clinton supporters, look at Maxine Waters [the congresswoman from California who endorsed Hillary Clinton in late January but switched to Obama on Tuesday], who were passionate advocates for Hillary, but who switched to Obama.”
“At the end of the day,” he went on, “Hillary supporters will look at John McCain and decide they are not going to vote for a man who will put judges on the Supreme Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade.”
The easiest way, the Obama campaign has decided, to turn the page away from Clinton is to go at McCain full bore, start the general election campaign immediately and ignore the media chatter about what Hillary does or does not want.
“Now is the appropriate moment to begin the general election discussion,” Dunn said. “That is why Sen. Obama chose Minnesota [the site of the Republican convention in September] for his speech.”
And while Obama spent a few moments praising Clinton in his speech in St. Paul, he spent most of his time attacking McCain, raising the issue he so effectively used against Clinton: the need for change.
“Change is a foreign policy that doesn’t begin and end with a war that should’ve never been authorized and never been waged,” Obama said. He used that argument against Clinton, it worked, and now he is going to use it against McCain again and again.
“Obama put his stake in the ground tonight for the general election campaign, just like McCain put his stake in the ground for the general election campaign,” a senior Obama adviser told me. “The story will shift to that. Obviously, the vice presidency will be part of the back story, but there is going to be a pretty active general campaign story going on."
McCain did his part by giving a major speech in New Orleans on Tuesday night. “I have a few years on my opponent, so I am surprised that a young man has bought in to so many failed ideas,” McCain said. “Like others before him, he seems to think government is the answer to every problem.”
But the three speeches — Clinton’s, McCain’s and Obama’s — showed off one of Obama’s great advantages: While McCain was reasoned and detailed, while Clinton had a few good lines, Obama soared.
“Behind all the labels and false divisions and categories that define us, beyond all the petty bickering and point-scoring in Washington, Americans are a decent, generous, compassionate people,” he said. “America, this is our moment. This is our time.”
It was, after a momentous struggle, Barack Obama’s time Tuesday night. And he made sure everybody knew it.
For someone giving indications she would like to be Obama’s running mate, Clinton was surprisingly ungracious. In fact, if you had just awakened from a (blissful) 17-month sleep, you would have thought she had won.“Because of you, we won together the swing states necessary to get to 270 electoral votes,” she told the crowd in New York City. “I want the nearly 18 million Americans who voted for me to be respected, to be heard and no longer to be invisible.”
But her fighting words only increased the need for Obama to show that he can be strong, tough and in charge. Clinton’s unwillingness to recognize Obama as the victor only increased the need for Obama to act like a president and not like a doormat. And denying her a vice presidential slot may be a way of doing that.
It has been a hard-fought and sometimes bitter campaign, but Obama is not, one of his senior advisers assured me Tuesday night, going to spend a lot of time in the next few months wooing Clinton supporters whose feelings may be hurting.
“I think there are always immediate feelings of disappointment and anger,” Anita Dunn said. “But in the months ahead, he must appeal not just to the constituency groups who favored her in the primaries, but those he wants in the general election, and that includes independents and Republicans.”
Another Obama adviser, who asked not to be identified, said that he was not worried that Clinton supporters would stay angry.
“Look at how many switched today to Obama,” he said. “Look at the Clinton supporters, look at Maxine Waters [the congresswoman from California who endorsed Hillary Clinton in late January but switched to Obama on Tuesday], who were passionate advocates for Hillary, but who switched to Obama.”
“At the end of the day,” he went on, “Hillary supporters will look at John McCain and decide they are not going to vote for a man who will put judges on the Supreme Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade.”
The easiest way, the Obama campaign has decided, to turn the page away from Clinton is to go at McCain full bore, start the general election campaign immediately and ignore the media chatter about what Hillary does or does not want.
“Now is the appropriate moment to begin the general election discussion,” Dunn said. “That is why Sen. Obama chose Minnesota [the site of the Republican convention in September] for his speech.”
And while Obama spent a few moments praising Clinton in his speech in St. Paul, he spent most of his time attacking McCain, raising the issue he so effectively used against Clinton: the need for change.
“Change is a foreign policy that doesn’t begin and end with a war that should’ve never been authorized and never been waged,” Obama said. He used that argument against Clinton, it worked, and now he is going to use it against McCain again and again.
“Obama put his stake in the ground tonight for the general election campaign, just like McCain put his stake in the ground for the general election campaign,” a senior Obama adviser told me. “The story will shift to that. Obviously, the vice presidency will be part of the back story, but there is going to be a pretty active general campaign story going on."
McCain did his part by giving a major speech in New Orleans on Tuesday night. “I have a few years on my opponent, so I am surprised that a young man has bought in to so many failed ideas,” McCain said. “Like others before him, he seems to think government is the answer to every problem.”
But the three speeches — Clinton’s, McCain’s and Obama’s — showed off one of Obama’s great advantages: While McCain was reasoned and detailed, while Clinton had a few good lines, Obama soared.
“Behind all the labels and false divisions and categories that define us, beyond all the petty bickering and point-scoring in Washington, Americans are a decent, generous, compassionate people,” he said. “America, this is our moment. This is our time.”
It was, after a momentous struggle, Barack Obama’s time Tuesday night. And he made sure everybody knew it.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I once heard about this book that sold a million copies on its first day in the stores.
The book entitled every thing you need to know about A WOMAN.
With a wonderfully designed cover graced with a picture of what everyone wants to see a woman do, SMILE.
What is most interesting about this book is that of the over 300 pages in it, All but page 301 were blank and these are the words on that special page.
"This book does not have the solutions you seek but by the mere fact that you are reading this, you have taken step one in understanding the WOMEN. Accepting that you know nothing about them and what you thought you knew is but a drop in the sea."
Today.... I purpose to bless GOD for all that I am.
The book entitled every thing you need to know about A WOMAN.
With a wonderfully designed cover graced with a picture of what everyone wants to see a woman do, SMILE.
What is most interesting about this book is that of the over 300 pages in it, All but page 301 were blank and these are the words on that special page.
"This book does not have the solutions you seek but by the mere fact that you are reading this, you have taken step one in understanding the WOMEN. Accepting that you know nothing about them and what you thought you knew is but a drop in the sea."
Today.... I purpose to bless GOD for all that I am.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A farmer herding his sheep one day came a cross what seemed like a kitten, on close examination. it was a lion cab. He moved way with fear that the mother was near. After a long time without any trace of the mother lion, he took the cab home.
For several months he hand fed it and kept it warm and kept it among his sheep. It did not take log and the young lion begun to act like them. He became a sheep by association.
One hot afternoon, as the farmer took his sheep to a near by river to drink and the cab came with them. As they approached the river, a beast the young lion had never seen came out of the thicket at the opposite side of the river and all the sheep leaped for their lives and did not stop until they were safe in their pen, at the back of the pen was the young lion with his tail between his legs. Trembling with fear.
After a week without incident, the young lion went to the rive to drink and as he bent over the water he suddenly runoff to the farm house for safety. This time the sheep did not run with him and he wondered why they had not fled from the beast again. He timidly walked back and once again froze with fear as he looked into the water. It was his reflection.
Again the beast appeared across the river and sheep fled with fear but the young lion stayed behind and realized he as one of the beasts' kind. After a few exchanges of roars and bleats, the young lion found his roar and was faced with the decision of either returning to the sheep and living in fear or reclaiming his place as the LION KING, he walked into the wild with the beast.
Lets think!?
A farmer herding his sheep one day came a cross what seemed like a kitten, on close examination. it was a lion cab. He moved way with fear that the mother was near. After a long time without any trace of the mother lion, he took the cab home.
For several months he hand fed it and kept it warm and kept it among his sheep. It did not take log and the young lion begun to act like them. He became a sheep by association.
One hot afternoon, as the farmer took his sheep to a near by river to drink and the cab came with them. As they approached the river, a beast the young lion had never seen came out of the thicket at the opposite side of the river and all the sheep leaped for their lives and did not stop until they were safe in their pen, at the back of the pen was the young lion with his tail between his legs. Trembling with fear.
After a week without incident, the young lion went to the rive to drink and as he bent over the water he suddenly runoff to the farm house for safety. This time the sheep did not run with him and he wondered why they had not fled from the beast again. He timidly walked back and once again froze with fear as he looked into the water. It was his reflection.
Again the beast appeared across the river and sheep fled with fear but the young lion stayed behind and realized he as one of the beasts' kind. After a few exchanges of roars and bleats, the young lion found his roar and was faced with the decision of either returning to the sheep and living in fear or reclaiming his place as the LION KING, he walked into the wild with the beast.
Lets think!?
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