Sunday, August 10, 2008


Moses, standing at the red sea with the children of Israel hears a stampede from a distance.The chariots of Pharaoh are in the distance and the haze from the dust they are raising makes it look like Egypt is on FIRE.(time check 18:15)

Then slowly a murmur from the back spreads thought the whole crowd like a fire till screams of desperation and frustration reach Moses standing in front of the crowd. "Did you bring us here to kill us".... and some more nasty comments start to fly towards Moses. He is pretty confused now.

Moses goes to the mountain to listen to GOD and find out how to deal with the problem at hand. He walks like up the mountain and arrives to a nice place of prayer which he sanctifies with a prayer of "SANCTIFICATION" (time check 18:45) He is ready to say the lords' prayer at 18:55 and at this time the crowd is planning how to swim across the red sea because the chariots are 20 minutes away.


I think prayer is preparation for what is lies a head.
I have often found myself praying during times when decisions need to be made.

Friends, PRAY without CEASING when that decision arrives God will work a good thing in you.[1 Thessalonians 5;17]

Be encouraged.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! and now I get back on my knees.Just like Wilson Bugembe says "Donot under estimate the power of a prayerful person coz they are like an expectant mother"