I am more convinced than ever before that in order to unlock some of the mysteries in the bible, you have to read the book of GENESIS again. Here is one of the many reasons.
GENESIS is the word that gives birth to the word GENE from which we get the word GENEALOGY and science agrees that this is the FABRIC of humanity.
Humanity needs not fear the devil and this we can see from our genealogy. In genesis, we see that the devil and his schemes are meant to be as far away from us as possible. The devil was declared a vagabond and illegal to take habitation in our lives, here is the proof.
MATHEW 6:9-13 is the lords’ prayer. Emphasis on verse 10.
The will of God being done on earth as it is in heaven. Literally means that our BODIES (made from the earth) need to be conformed to the will of the father. Remember, “If my people, called by name…” Yes, He shall heal your FLESH… made from the earth (Land/earth/soil )Gen 2:7.
But if the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you. [Romans 8;11]
The consequences of the BLOOD were first shown in GEN:4: 8-14.
When Cain kills Abel, the power of the blood of the righteous of God is actually spelled out right there by GOD Himself. The punishment spelled to Cain was not for the Cain the man, but for the spirit behind the actions of Cain.
The Spirit of Cain is declared, “vagabond” and is not supposed to be anywhere in near the sons of God. I say it is the spirit of Cain because God protects Cain the man by assuring him that no one would actually kill him.
Fast forward to Mathew 27:32-44:
When the blood of Christ is shed, it is shed for us all…. This means that the devil actually killed you and me and our blood was spilled and sent the same message to God like that of Abel. (I hope you get this thing people.)
“Your” blood has been spilled coz you are DEAD in CHRIST! (gimme a HALLELUJAH!!)
OK… I am about to stand up at this point! Listen to what God is telling the devil on this matter conserning our health, wealth, family, relationships…
Gen: 4:10- God said, "What have you done? “ How dare you touch Ariho,…. This is where you put your name!
"I will do this thing also that you have spoken; for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name."
[Exodus 33;17]
More later
Dude!! that was major. unique perspective. Got lost somewhere;the part abt the lord's prayer,1st sentence.
Selective memory
Dude!! that was major. unique perspective. Got lost somewhere;the part abt the lord's prayer,1st sentence.
Selective memory
OK... Here is the clarification.
When we talk about the Lord's will being done on earth... we talk about the earth as individuals (people) that make up the earth, therefore we are referring to every one of us' flesh scumming to the will of the father. CLEAR?
how dare you!I LOVE THAT.this in its self is a major and might send off for the devil-Needs to be applied each and every other moment of our lives.Say it again-How dare you?
the devil has no place in our lives. we are a blessed.
" and i will make of thee a great nation , and i will bless thee, and make thy name great: and thou shall be a blessing..Genesis 12:2
that was deep...my blood was spilt at calvary...i died and now live in Christ, that just released something in my spirit! How dare the enemy accuse me of what has been atoned for!
Hallelujah to the Lamb! Thank you Jesus...and thank you Ariho - how lovely on the mountain are the feet of him...who brings good news!
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