Thursday, May 07, 2009


After the passing of a friend in a freak accident involving a train, I am left thinking..Do we value life as a society?

I am back on the traffic issues in Uganda.

I one time told a friend... you can tell the organization of a country's leadership by looking at the traffic flow in the land. It so difficult for our government to sit with planners and curve out a traffic flow system that best serves Ugandans. I am thinking about getting a few planners and we do this thing... God give me the grace, AMEN!

I think the government/leadership of this country needs to wake up and smell the coffee. The roads are not well maintained, the surfaces and that means there are no road markings. The signage on roads is non existent and the traffic cops some how think every one should know...I lost a friend at a railway crossing because there were no barriers. The leadership says (its an offense to be hit by a train!)

I had a mechanic who took 400,000 shillings and did absolutely nothing, I had to leave the car on the dark streets of Kampala twice.
I believe these guys are responsible for some of the road carnage in Uganda.

Always takes the blame for his failings and the shortcomings of the mechanic and the leadership.
I think this is the reason our "TOP" leadership don't want to get behind the wheel. I remember H.E. Museveni had to pay dearly for a chicken he knocked on the day we are aware he got behind the wheel. Let me ask WHO was in the wrong the PRESIDENT or the CHICKEN?

Esther Tumukunde - R.I.P

chew on this people!

1 comment:

Sleek said...

Really sorry about your's things like these, and mothers dying while giving birth, and children leaving school when they know close to nothing, and zillions dying from lack of drugs, and...the works..that just INFURIATE!
But i think the Govt smelt the coffee, they just don't give a rat's ass