Friday, September 22, 2006

Vision & Delusion

Who is taking the PEACE ?

Does the world need a bit of both?

I have been taught in school that for a body to remain in a state of rest or uniform motion there has to be equal and opposite forces and will only be compelled otherwise by an external force.

I am reading a book by steven Johnson; Mind Wide Open: Why you are what you think. It is amazing but what we call intuition or gut feeling is real and decisions that are made on this feeing are free from reasoning and intellectual bias. These are decisions that come from the core of who you are… thanks to the “amygdala” a bulb like part of the brain. That explains why a good idea is represented by a glowing bulb in many illustrations.

“Sometimes the chance for peace is a readiness for war” these are the words of Tony Blair before the war in Iraq. We break the PEACE to make the PEACE? uhmm...

Nelson Mandela: Treated as a criminal for the vision of a country that is less-known than its ex-president. He kept the peace and as a true leader he won the hearts and minds of the world. Used as a peace broker when Mbeki suggested that AIDS in Africa be treated as an African issue. Well, I am slowly buying into the idea that AIDS is foreign policy by a wicked government to keep Africa on its Knees. If it was a global issue AT LEAST the price of condoms as a method of prevention in would be somewhat in the same range. Imagine £7 in the UK and 32p in Uganda.Thats not a global price for a global "problem solver"? OK, why so much opposition to abstinence fronted by the church? .... That’s an issue for another day.

Yoweri Museveni: Strongly convicted that democracy had failed, he led 27 friends to the virgin bushes of Uganda and rebelled with arms against the government of the day. He has been in power for 20 years and encourages his political opponents to use the courts of law, well, they are not as passionate as him and I applaud them for keeping the peace and working to win the hearts and minds of the people. Make no mistake, NRM has had great success, and a number of faults, it depends on whether you are a pessimist or an opportunist.

Idi Amin Dada: Here is a man under whom 55% of the existing infrastructure of Uganda was put in place. He later turns round and claims he got a vision from Allah that all Asians Must leave Uganda to the Ugandans. It was harsh and the Ugandan economy suffered. But drawing comparisons with Kenya, Ugandans are a liberated people. The Ugandan’s don’t just live in Uganda, they run things down there. Kenyans live in Kenya but they don’t run things down there… Idi Amin allowed Ugandans to try and become producers and suppliers rather than consumers. Those that worked hard succeeded and those that didn’t work failed but Idi Amin provided the chance. No politician in modern politics can do that…. may be with the exception of except Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and his Iranian mate.

I was watching news and a thought came, some of the “British terrorists” were welcomed after Idi Amin couldn’t hold them. I don’t know how it feels when a minister born in the land is heckled and shouted down by an adopted son of the land who asks him a question like “ How dare you come to a Muslim area?” I cannot stomach an Asian in Uganda putting that question to me…. “ How dare I come to n asian area in Uganda?”

TOLORANCE begins where AGREEMENT ends.



Anonymous said...

this is some deep stuff, i will add three quotes by Albert Einstein the greatest mind of his time:-

1. "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."

2. "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."

3."We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

4. "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."

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