Wednesday, June 04, 2008


When ADAM was placed in the Garden of EDEN and instructions passed to him, everything seemed merry. We don't know if that was the case because GOD, who had declared that everything HE had made was good realized that it was not good for man to be alone.

Fast forward to the serpent tempting Eve and the events that followed. When God returned and demanded accountability, ADAM blamed EVE and as the story goes the serpent didn't have a "leg to stand on".

Well, It was nice seeing that OBAMA rose high in popularity because of his accountability and HILLARY initially blamed the campaign manager who walked, then the press which run way from her and finally her Gender which did not have a leg to stand on.

I am thinking..... If Obama was in her shoes, would his GENDER have a leg to stand? considering the fact that the press and the campaign team would walk. I am glad that the BLACK RACE HAS LEG and its walking tall and PROUD on the SHOULDERS of OBAMA


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