Monday, September 01, 2008

Living in God's LOVE

Amazing grace how sweet the sound!!... BOYZIIMEN!!

I have been below par lately not on my usual flame reading the word and sharing it. My reason was i had lots of work to do and the excuse has been holding until this morning when I woke up with GOD just asking for the tithe.

A tenth of my 24 hours as the bare minimum.
If you are feeling this way pal... I am asking you to read MALACHI 3.
The promise is that GOD will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing so GREAT you cannot contain it. For a minute i thought about a 30hr and it is what I ask for, at this rate i can use a 50 hour day!!


Anonymous said...

You have no idea how timely your post is,

thank you

Ariho said...

Bless GOD!!