Tuesday, November 11, 2008


My friends,

This morning i got up thinking... how am i doing on my targets for this year.
It is exactly 7months since i left the United Kingdom to return home and set up a base and the word base in this case is as broad as you like.

after all the hustle and the ups and downs the past 7 months have brought... I looked at my vision board and felt like i had not done much. But as I continued to meditate on the goodness of our father it all came to light.

How much of the KINGDOM have i sought the past 7 months.... and His righteousness.
Well, the answer my friends gave me an insight of how much indeed.
I throw this back to you. How much do you think you could have done that hasn't been done yet? That is the deficit you have as a kingdom seeker.

I hope to share with you on the coming wealth transfer and how we must position our selves to be millionaires for GOD.





Anonymous said...

Good to have u back mate. God bless.

Anonymous said...

i want to be a millionaire for God